Thought Leaders - Page 5

Tap into advice and insights from some of the business world's foremost thought leaders, and find out what it takes to join them.

Thought Leaders

It's the End of the Entrepreneurial Era As We Know It

With the rise of advanced technologies and AI, are we losing all sense of the independent business person and entrepreneur?

Growing a Business

6 Non-Negotiables for Women in Power

Here are six non-negotiables from myself and some of the powerful women we all look up to that will help you maintain your success and push through to the next level.

Growing a Business

10 Founders On the 'Aha' Moments That Unlocked Massive Growth: 'It Felt Like a Secret Hidden In Plain Sight'

New companies rarely get off the ground without some roadblocks, setbacks, and unforeseen decisions. Here, 10 founders describe the pivots that catapulted their profitability.

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Thought Leaders

Rethink, Rebuild, Relaunch: Anthony Trucks on Reinventing Yourself for Entrepreneurial Success

Anthony found himself at a breaking point in his business, his marriage, and even his will to live. Here's how he recovered.

Growing a Business

When Your Company Hits This 'Critical Mark,' Big Investors and Private Equity Will Come Calling

Whether you're looking to sell or bring on bigger investors, this growth benchmark will get you in the room.


I've Had Zero Turnover at My Company For 6 Years. Here's How We Did It — and How You Can, Too.

Struggling with retention? You might be missing this key component that's helped my company avoid employee turnover since 2018.

Thought Leaders

How You Can Recover from Rejection: Learn Science-Backed Strategies to Reclaim and Advance with Dr. Michael Gervais

Discover how he recovered from a devastating rejection to become one of the best in his field.


This Woman Founder Is on a Mission to Make Education Accessible for All — No Matter Your Race or Gender. These Are the Three Lessons She Wants Other Industry Disruptors to Learn.

Lan Phan, founder of Community of Seven, said she was often the only woman of color at the decision-making table, and she wants to change that for the next generation. Here's what she wants other founders disrupting their industries to know from her experience.

Business Ideas

5 Ways to Jump-Start Your Creativity — Even When It's Running Low

Creativity is a prerequisite for almost any job today, though it comes in many forms. Whatever form you use in your job role, you're sure to find yourself feeling uninspired and unmotivated at times. Here's what one creative content developer does to reignite her flame when it goes out.

Growing a Business

To Make Your First Million Dollars, Draw Up This Venn Diagram: 'You Want to Fall Right In the Middle. If You Do, I Think It'll Take 5 Years'

The hosts of 'My First Million' believe anyone can make it happen if they follow this formula.


I Went on a Retreat to Reignite My Entrepreneurial Passion. Here's What I Learned That Will Forever Change The Way I Lead.

An international adventure could be exactly what you need to achieve your entrepreneurial goals.

Growing a Business

Starting or Growing a Business? Here's How to Know When You Should Hire Your First Employee.

When enlisting help, follow these steps to make the best decision for your company.

Growing a Business

Your Comprehensive Guide to Becoming an SEO Expert – and Making Money While Doing It

Whether you're looking to earn more money or grow your digital presence, becoming an SEO expert could be a major windfall.