Business Tips: Page 7

Business News

9 Ways to Automate Your Recruitment Process

Even though many of us are busy with the holidays and end-of-year business activities, leaders are already thinking about the new year. A major reason for this is that companies...

Business News

Marketing and Sales Strategy: Use it to Build Productivity at Your Small Business

In a startup world where every move counts, strong synergy between sales and marketing is a cornerstone of productivity and success. It’s not just about aligning two distinct departments; it’s...

Business News

How Organizing Your Life Can Change The Financial Success Of Your Business

Is your business limping along and losing cash? Before you blame your CFO, look in the mirror. Could disorganization — your disorganization in particular — be taking its toll on...

Business News

6 New Year Preparations Business Leaders Can Make

Every business year brings a mix of similar and unique challenges from the previous year. And, just like the natural world, these changes often mark its year's different seasons. The...

Business News

How Virtual Reality Is Becoming A Game Changer In The Business Landscape

The realm of virtual reality (VR) continues to experience growing momentum against the backdrop of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Traditionally, virtual reality tools and the associated augmented...


8 Ways Social Media Use Can Backfire on Your Personal Branding

Chasing branding just for the sake of branding can backfire on us.

Business News

Get Your Your Calendar and Schedule Physical Activity

You know you want to start building a healthier, more active lifestyle, but life keeps getting in the way. You should go for that walk, take that dance class, and...

Business News

3 Features That Make User-Friendly Team Calendars

Whether your work team consists of three people, or thirty people, finding a time to meet regularly can be tricky. Individual employees may have large chunks of time blocked off...

Business News

Enhance Time Management With Calendar Insights

One of the most essential factors in a successful life, regardless of what success means to you, is time management. You already know it. You've heard it a million times....

Business News

Time Management Tactics That Rely on Calendars

You've probably seen all the different types of calendars. Maybe you use one from time to time, tracking birthdays or other important events. Very few successful business people are without...

Business News

Top 10 Loom Alternatives for Superior Screen Recording

The need for rock-solid communication channels at work is at an all-time high. With things like remote work and evolving technology constantly affecting the workplace, it's important for employers to...

Business News

Balancing Life and Work With These 4 Calendar Strategies

Work-life balance is a trending topic in today's world, particularly as companies aim to provide more flexible workplace environments. The pandemic instilled the idea and action of an "always available"...

Business News

Digital Calendar vs. Paper Planner: How to Choose the Right Scheduling Tool for You

Having a calendar is a great solution if you want to make your life a little more organized. You can keep track of deadlines, appointments, or meetings and have a...

Business News

4 Reasons Small Businesses are Using Alternative Funding for Growth

Since the 2008 financial crisis, most small businesses and individuals looking to launch their startups have had limited options in securing funding. What was once considered an economic anchor of...

Business News

Boost Your Routine With Calendar Optimization

If you feel your routine is suffering, it's time to shake things up. Everyone needs a little, or a lot, of routine change every once in a while. A more...