Chatbots: Page 7


Brand Experience: How Powerful AI-Powered Chatbots Have Transformed Customer Engagement

Chatbots have stepped in to automate cumbersome, repetitive tasks so that humans can tackle more nuanced, complex problems. Robotic Process Automation has revolutionized brand communication


This Conversational AI Startup is Empowering the Next Billion Digital Users, the startup disrupting the rural boundaries to bring the regional users online


5 Ways in Which Conversational AI is Transforming MarTech

Marketing technology is in the throes of an AI revolution. The integration of Conversational AI with Display Ads is a game changer


Would You Interact with a Chatbot that's Unfriendly? 67% Users Say No!

Urban English speakers are more likely to re-engage with 'friendly' assistants than purely 'transactional' ones

Science & Technology

How Startups Can Use AI-Powered Tools to Scale Up

With limited budget and resources, startups turn to AI to increase productivity.

Science & Technology

How to Increase Your Chatbot Engagement

Chatbots are powerful tools, and here's how you can use them more effectively.


Changing Tide of SaaS and Why VCs and Serial Entrepreneurs Will Love it

In such a crowded space, the scope for innovation or niche play will be very limited


AI in HR: When Employee Experience Takes Center Stage

An AI-powered conversational chatbot capable of comprehending human emotions, the following things can be done in a jiffy

News and Trends

AI-led Chatbots - Your Next Best Friend

Here is how AI is the game changer behind chatbots success


A Chatbot for Your Business Will Boost Customer Engagement

If chatbots can motivate political participation that seldom yields immediate results, how strong an effect they can have in more instant and rewarding experiences-such as shopping?


Trends In Insurance: Leading to a Streamlined Process

The use of algorithms has dominated the finance industry, while financial advisory has taken a new shape with the advent of robo-advisors

Science & Technology

3 Ways That Even 'Nonhuman' AI Can Help You Build More Meaningful Relationships With Your Customers

How about immediate customer feedback, efficient customer support and personalization?


#8 Cool Things You Didn't Know Facebook Messenger Could Do & Make Your Life Easier

What if we tell that now you can unsend the messages? This app is more than just a messenger


4 Major Marketing Trends for 2020 and Beyond

Do you know what 'on-SERP SEO' means in the marketing universe? You're not alone, but you are missing an opportunity.


Chatbots: A Pronounced Way for Customer Engagement But Comes with Gender Biases and Ageism

Indian banks, financial and insurance organizations are introducing chatbots to assist their users and is screening quite a bit of success