Entrepreneur Kids™: Page 5


How Young Entrepreneurs Can Win, According to Knicks Legend John Starks

The NBA All-Star is helping kids gain the winning edge in business.

Business News

12 High-Profile Billionaires and Millionaires Who Aren't Leaving Their Fortunes to Their Children

Many high-profile business magnates, billionaires and celebrities believe that they've worked too hard to simply hand their fortunes over to their kids when they die.

News and Trends

#4-pronged Approach to Inculcate Entrepreneurial Spirit in Kids through Play

There is a severe need for the coming generations to develop entrepreneurial abilities because of the way this world is changing in all respects


BizWorld UAE Brings KidPreneur Challenge 2017 To Dubai

If you think your child has a brilliant business idea or that they need to experience financial responsibility, the KidPreneur Challenge 2017 encourages them to apply with their ideas.

Business News

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Raised Their Kids Tech-Free -- and It Should've Been a Red Flag

Gates recognizes technology as useful for a student's development, not as entertainment.

Thought Leaders

How an Actual Elevator Pitch Led This 12-Year-Old Entrepreneur to Appear on Shark Tank and Partner With Richard Branson

Carson Kropfl struck a deal with the billionaire Virgin founder for his startup Locker Board.


How Start-ups are Focusing on Rural India's Education

Entrepreneurs with their innovative ideas can fight World Bank's warning of learning crisis to India

Business News

Lawsuit Claims Disney Is Tracking Kids in 42 Apps

The class action suit alleges that the media giant is violating the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998.

Thought Leaders

Why This Kids Book Is the Next Big Thing in Entrepreneurship

MSNBC host and children's author JJ Ramberg explains why it's important to teach children about business.


Read This 9-Year-Old's Heartwarming Application Letter to NASA

This fourth grader is determined to make his dreams come true.

Starting a Business

The 6 Best Jobs for Teenage Entrepreneurs

How you can start a business in high school.

Starting a Business

#8 Tips On How Women Entrepreneurs Can Achieve Better Work Life Balance

As an entrepreneur, there is no defined scope of responsibility and it is quite easy to be consumed by it

Health & Wellness

Why Participation Medals Can Help Kids in School

This Olympic medalist explains why access is the most important part of fitness and nutrition.

Business News

Google Is Using Games to Teach Kids About Online Safety

'Interland' is designed to help young people make 'smart decisions online.'

Business News

2017's Best and Worst States for Working Moms

Does your state rank in the top or bottom?