forecasting: Page 2

Growing a Business

How to Forecast Demand the Right Way

For any business that deals with the public, it's essential to have a way to predict the demand for products or services.

Business News

The Top 4 Cash Flow Forecasting Mistakes

Here's how to avoid them.


5 Steps to Building an Ambitious, Yet Credible Sales Forecast

Satisfy potential investors by setting up a research method to estimate how many customers will be lured to make a purchase of your new product.

Growing a Business

Why Your Sales Forecast Is Disconnected From Reality

The forecast methodology used by most companies only works for some companies. Happily, simpler methods matched to your sales process are more reliable.

Growing a Business

Getting Past Staff Growing Pains

Whether a company is expanding beyond 10 employees or 50, living through the transition can be a challenge. Proper planning can help.

Operations & Logistics

How to Anticipate Cash-Flow Problems

Do advance planning to avoid a crash course in the lesson you don't want to learn the hard way.