Gratitude: Page 5

Growing a Business

The Almost Unbelievable Power of Your Belief Systems

Follow this visualization guide to achieve absolute clarity in your goals.


How Start-up Funds are Putting a Price Tag to the Moral Karma of Investors and Mentors

It works great for investors to incentivize people who refer start-ups to them.


4 Communication Strategies to Grow Your Business Without Spending Any Money

Small, thoughtful aspects of your everyday interactions can have the greatest impact.

Growing a Business

My Company Grew 800 Percent in a Year After I Made This Mindset Shift Grow

The surprising thing about being grateful for what you have is how much more you end up getting.


Why I Send a Thank-You Message to Someone Who Helped Me or My Company Every Day

I believe leaders should practice gratitude more often.


'Black Panther' Director Ryan Coogler Shows Why Gratitude Is an Integral Part of Success

The filmmaker shared a heartfelt thank you to fans and collaborators.

Thought Leaders

Proactive or Reactive: Which Mode Are You In?

This morning routine will destroy your distractions -- and help you reach your next level of success.


20 Wise Insights on Gratitude to Spark a Positive Mindset

Being grateful doesn't guarantee that you'll get more, only that you'll have enough.


Why Writing a Thank-You Note Should Be as Automatic as Brushing Your Teeth

This founder provides free cards to employees to write thank-you notes.

Thought Leaders

8 Ways to Go From Quitter to Go-Getter

Persistence, more than talent, determines how far you go and where you end up.


Entrepreneurs, Stop Apologizing for Just Being Yourselves

You don't have to be sorry for living the life you earnestly want to live.

Thought Leaders

Where's the Love? Why You Should Work to Ingrain Gratitude Into Your Company Culture

As humans, we have so much to be grateful for -- and in our personal lives, these feelings come quite naturally. So, how do we emulate that gratitude in the workplace?

Starting a Business

Why Entrepreneurs Should Always Express Gratitude

Studies published through the years have shown that expressing gratitude increases self-esteem and resilience


5 Ways You Sabotage Your Own Happiness

When comes to your happiness, you're the boss.


10 Horrible Habits That Destroy Your Happiness

Appreciating what we have and building on it is work. Feeling sorry for ourselves and staying stuck is no effort at all.