inflation: Page 5

Business News

Treasure Secretary Janet Yellen Predicts 'Much Lower Inflation' By End of 2023

Yellen mentioned several factors, including falling gas prices.

Business News

Americans Aren't Saving Money Right Now — and It's Not Just Because of Inflation

Dwindling savings could mean trouble for many Americans as the threat of a recession looms.

Business News

Gas Prices Are Cheaper Than a Year Ago — But Are They Expected Stay Low?

The cost of an average gallon of gas in the U.S. is now $3.329.

Business News

The Economic Outlook Among CEOs Drops to Lowest Level Since 2020

Plans for hiring, capital investment and sales expectations all declined in Q4 2022.

Business News

The Holiday Season Means More People Take on Side Hustles — the Difference This Year? They Don't Plan to Quit Anytime Soon.

In November, there was a 165,000 jump in people holding multiple positions, the largest increase since June.

Real Estate

How Does Inflation Affect Real Estate? Here's What You Need to Know.

With so much speculation regarding the forecast of America's economy and how inflation rates will change, those in the property market need to know how inflation can affect the real estate sector.


India Decoupling: Myth Or Reality?

Decoupling is a voyage and the Indian ship has definitely sailed but are we there yet? The answer is no. Will we get there? Obviously yes

Business News

Inflation's Coming for Your Christmas. Here's How Much More Your Tree Will Cost This Year.

Droughts and wildfires are also putting pressure on the supply of cut trees.

Business News

It's the Most Expensive Holiday Travel Season Ever. Here's How Much More It Will Cost You.

Consumers are seeing price hikes across the board — from airfare to gas prices, hotel rooms and more.

Business News

60% of Americans Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck, According to a New Report

A new survey is shedding light on just how much Americans are spending these days. Spoiler alert: It's a lot.

Business News

Highest Salary Hikes in 15 Years Fueled by Inflation and a Scarcity of Top Talent

A survey by Willis Towers Watson found that companies plan to boost salaries by 4.6% next year.

Business News

Jeff Bezos Says People Should Stop Buying Big-Ticket Items Right Now (and It Has Nothing to Do With Upcoming Prime Sales)

But the billionaire still claims the American Dream is and will be "attainable."

Business News

'I Am Fully Aware This Will Be A Difficult Process': Disney to Freeze Hiring, Possibly Conduct Layoffs, Per Internal Memo

Disney CEO Bob Chapek sent a memo to top executives Friday warning them of cost-cutting on the horizon. One directive: Do the meeting on Zoom.


As Inflation Soars, Consumers Want More Rewards and Shopping Incentives. Here's How to Give Them What They Want

With inflation becoming a pressing concern for most consumers, the desire for rewards and other shopping incentives has increased. We examine these incentives' impact on consumer shopping behavior and brand affinity.