Influencer Marketing: Page 5

Social Media

The advertising agency Ogilvy will stop working with influencers who retouch their photos in England

The measure complements a proposed law that would require influencers to notify when an image has been digitally altered.


Primera mujer en recorrer el mundo entero es demandada por Travelers United

La influencer, Cassie De Pecol, asegura ser la primera mujer en visitar cada país sobre la faz de la Tierra, pero hay quienes la desmienten...

Business News

First woman to visit every country of the world is sued by Travelers United

The influencer, Cassie De Pecol, claims to be the first woman to visit every country on the face of the Earth, but there are those who deny her...

News and Trends

What's Trending in the Influencer Marketing Ecosystem

Cross-industry integration, pay-per-outcome, brands approaching regional content creators and many such new trends have come up in the influencer marketing space in the recent past


4 Easy Ways To Get Mega Influencers On Your Podcast

Those who have podcasts can become an instant celebrity with the right podcasting strategy. Podcasts offer many benefits, including access to influential guests that will soar your credibility. Here's 4 easy ways that are proven to bring in mega-influencers on your podcast show.


La falsa heredera Anna Sorokin, cuyo caso inspiró una exitosa serie de Netflix, será deportada a Alemania

La serie "Inventando a Anna" se basa en la vida de la mujer que utilizó las redes sociales y una falsa personalidad para cautivar a las más altas esferas de Nueva York. Ahora se abre un capítulo más en su historia.

Business News

False heiress Anna Sorokin, whose case inspired a successful Netflix series, will be deported to Germany

The series "Inventing Anna" is based on the life of the woman who used social networks and a false personality to captivate the highest spheres of New York. Now another chapter in its history opens.

Social Media

How to Succeed Using Influencer Marketing and Brand Collaboration

Three social media hacks you need to leverage your brand alongside accounts with large followings.


What to Know About Influencer Marketing in 2022

Most incorrectly assume influencer marketing is a saturated space with over-glorified returns.

Social Media

Will Today's Influencer Content Still Be Around in 20 Years? The Answer Lies With Syndication.

Yes, YouTube and Instagram may still be around in 20 years. The real question is whether two-decade-old content will still be visible.


4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Leverage Media and Publicity to Magnify Their Company or Brand

Understanding how advertising in both traditional outlets, as well as digital, is crucial towards the growth of one's company or brand.


Why You Should Look Into Luxury Niches and Micro-Influencer Marketing

Designing luxury yacht and private jets interiors can make you a micro-influencer.


5 Marketing Trends E-Commerce Business Owners Shouldn't Miss

Take your e-commerce business to the next level by ramping up your marketing efforts. It's not enough to have a great product and positive reviews. To expand your customer base and get in front of the right consumers, you need to be proactive and promote your business across many channels. Meet your customers and prospective customers where they are: online.

Social Media

Is the World Becoming Too Cynical for Social Media Influencers?

It might be easier than ever to attain celebrity status, but that has also made influencers less appealing to the public.


Podcasters Are the New Influencers

Hiring an influencer can be expensive, and you only reach people on social media. Being on a podcast allows you to network and be seen across social media and search engines.