Inventing: Page 6

Business News

Will the New Patent Law Kill the Garage Inventor and Startup?

Congress got it wrong when it harmonized U.S. patent laws with the rest of the world. Now, startups and American inventors are at a disadvantage.


Count It: How Many Times These Business Leaders Tried Before They Succeeded (Infographic)

The founder of Pandora reached out to investors 300 times before getting funding. And James Dyson invented 5,126 failed vacuum cleaner prototypes before getting one right.


Rainbow Loom Maker Sues Rival Toymaker Over Patents

Choon Ng, creator of the colorful bracelet-making kit that has become a national sensation, has accused a fellow toymaker of patent infringement.


5 Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs

It takes more than a great idea to launch a successful business. Here are five qualities to have under your belt.


Lori Greiner's Advice on How to Get Your Invention on Store Shelves

The 'Shark Tank' investor and inventor of over 400 products offers her advice to move your product from idea to sales.

Business Ideas

How a First-Time Entrepreneur's Kickstarter Project Landed on Toys 'R' Us Shelves in Less Than a Year

Industry insiders laughed at the engineering toy for girls, but its inventor was determined to change the landscape of the 'pink aisle.' Entrepreneur Debbie Sterling shares how she transformed her idea into a million-dollar company.

Business Ideas

Worthless, Impossible and Stupid? Why Contrarian Business Ideas Make It Big

In his new book, business professor Daniel Isenberg says if people think you're crazy, you're onto something.

Business Ideas

The World's Most Innovative Countries

Switzerland, Sweden and the U.K. top the Global Innovation Index for 2013.


Obama Offers $200 Million Prize to Build 3 Manufacturing Innovation Hubs

The White House announced today that it will expand on its program to promote advanced manufacturing in the U.S., an effort to drive global competitiveness.

Business Ideas

3 Games To Help You Generate Business Ideas

Coming up with business ideas should be fun. Here are three games you can play anywhere -- whether walking through store aisles or out for a jog -- that will turn your mind into an idea factory.

Business News

Quirky and GE Team Up to Make Inventing Easier

The two companies announced a new partnership that'll give citizen inventors access to a portion of GE's patent coffers, as well as a co-branded effort that could effectively appify your home.

Business Ideas

How to Outwit Your Competition

You don't have to reinvent the wheel to come up with a great business idea. Here are three ways to look at what your competition is doing -- and do it better.

Business Ideas

Radicals & Visionaries: Invention vs. Innovation

Is it better to improve on existing ideas or to start from scratch?


Glimpse the Future: Inspirational Inventors in the Spotlight

President Obama salutes 11 innovators in a ceremony at the White House today.

Starting a Business

College Entrepreneurs Invent a Way to Keep Beer Cold

KegSkins banishes the biggest party foul -- warm beer.