George Deeb: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Managing Partner at Red Rocket Ventures

George Deeb is the managing partner at Red Rocket Ventures, a consulting firm helping early-stage businesses with their growth strategies, marketing and financing needs. He is the author of three books including 101 Startup Lessons -- An Entrepreneur's Handbook.

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Latest: Page 3

Resumes & Interviewing

The Best Employees Have These '31 Flavors'

When hiring or managing employees, it is important that they have these important traits

Data & Recovery

Good Decision Making Requires Good Data

If you begin with bad data, you won't make the best decision.

Growing a Business

Why We Turned Down a Chance to Double Sales

It's easy to get romanced by a huge sale. But if it could end up crippling your business, don't do it.

Social Media

Google, Facebook and Amazon Are the Only Winners in Ecommerce

Rising advertising costs means falling profits for the ecommerce advertisers.

Growing a Business

Don't Let Short-Term Thinking Undermine Long-Term Success

Your desire to save a few bucks today, may end up costing you a lot more down the road.


It's Time to Rethink the Corporate Pyramid

The engine of prosperity, our middle class, is under siege. Perhaps a new organizational chart can stop the carnage.