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Business News

10 Ways to Overcome Ageism While Job Hunting During Retirement

It's never too late to start a new job. It's estimated that, on average, a typical American worker now has more than ten jobs over the course of their lifetime....

Business News

12 Scams to Avoid During Retirement

Scams use the stereotype of a confused, older person giving their money to a scammer is almost cliché at this point in time. Unfortunately, not many people question this idea,...

Business News

15 Ways to Reduce Stress During Retirement

Retirement ought to be a time where stress vanishes, or at least diminishes significantly. After all, you suddenly shed oppressive work obligations, while the activities you truly enjoy and really...

Business News

25 Ways to Stop Spending Money and Save for Retirement

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts when it comes to saving for retirement. Instead, you must do all the small things that can add to a stable post-career life. Reining in...

Business News

14 Ways to Stretch Your Retirement Savings

When you're looking at the fast-approaching years of your planned retirement, you may be thinking about how much you're looking forward to being free from a daily work schedule. But,...

Business News

17 Steady Income Streams You Can Create While in Retirement

Retirees are perfectly positioned to start a successful side hustle. With remote work the new norm, and gig work apps like Uber and Airbnb a part of our everyday life,...