Mark Siebert: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP


Mark Siebert is the author of The Franchisee Handbook (Entrepreneur Press, 2019) and the CEO of the iFranchise Group, a franchise consulting organization since 1998. He is an expert in evaluating company franchisability, structuring franchise offerings, and developing franchise programs domestically and internationally. Siebert has personally assisted more than 30 Fortune 2000 companies and more that 500 startup franchisors. His book Franchise Your Business: The Guide to Employing the Greatest Growth Strategy Ever (Entrepreneur Press, 2016) is also available at all book retailers.

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Franchise Your Business

6 Risk Factors You Need to Consider Before Purchasing a Franchise

Don't lay down any cash until you've carefully evaluated the most common risks you might face when buying a franchise.


3 Reasons Buying a Franchise Might Be Better Than Starting Your Own Business

If you're thinking about buying a franchise operation, here are three key benefits of buying into franchise opportunities.


Should You Franchise? How to Decide.

A consultant shares what really matters.


9 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Franchise Attorney

You need experienced legal counsel when launching your franchise so you can get started on the right foot. These tips will help you choose wisely.


The Key to Working Well With Your Franchisees

To create a business relationship that's a win-win for both sides, you must communicate with your franchisees. Follow these tips.


3 Unique Ways to Sell Franchises

When it comes to franchise sales, there are several alternative approaches you can take as a new franchisor. Get an inside look at each strategy.