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Business News

What Do Lenders Look for Before Lending Money?

Your company is growing, and you need to purchase additional equipment and raise money to pay for rising accounts to receivable amounts. How can you persuade a bank to provide...

Business News

Best Ways To Cut Business Expenses Without Compromising Quality

The economic landscape has been reshaped by a number of events in the last few years. First, the global pandemic took hold, seeing employers rapidly downsizing, and others completely ceasing...

Business News

How to Stop Inflation from Deflating Your Savings

No, you aren’t imagining things. Everything costs more than it did before, and these higher prices make it hard to balance the budget while saving and thinking about retirement. But...

Business News

How Reading The Fine Print and Terms of Service Can Save Money

As consumers, we often ignore reading the terms and conditions. From booking airline tickets, taking out insurance, or even a simple purchase from your favorite clothing store; reading the fine...

Business News

Everything You Need to Know About a Retirement Plan

When employed, you get remuneration for your services. This income is considered an active income, which means it is correlated to your efforts. As long as you serve a company,...

Business News

5 Ways to Save On Foreign Exchange Without Paying Massive Fees

It's been a tumultuous two years for international travel. Now countries are looking to welcome visitors; and this year is looking to be one of the biggest and best years...