Shipping: Page 6

Science & Technology

Look Out, Amazon: Dubai Could Have Delivery Drones by Year's End

The United Arab Emirates will employ drones equipped with eye-recognition and fingerprint technology to deliver important government documents by year's end.

Business News

Your Amazon Prime Subscription May Get More Expensive

In its quarterly conference call, the e-commerce giant says it may increase the cost of its Amazon Prime service by $20 to $40.

Growing a Business

Etsy to Offer Tips to Sellers in Town Hall Meeting

CEO Chad Dickerson will discuss best practices for running an Etsy business in a live-streamed event, following company policy changes in the fall.

Business News

Amazon Could Ship Your Next Purchase Before You Even Order It

The online retailer patents 'anticipatory shipping' technology, which uses your order history to predict what you'll buy next.

Business News

What Shoppers Still Won't Buy on Amazon (Infographic)

Shoppers still won't buy just anything online -- even from an ecommerce giant like Amazon. This infographic explains what influences their decision making.

Growing a Business

Etsy Sellers: Easy Ways to Streamline Shipping

Home-based businesses can save themselves time, money and hassle with these five tips.

Operations & Logistics

Why the Postal Service Can't Capitalize on the Christmas Shipping Woes

This should be the time for the Postal Service to shine, but regulations and Congress won't let it seize competitive ground.

Operations & Logistics

How Consumers Contributed to the Shipping Nightmare on Christmas

UPS and FedEx messed up Christmas deliveries. But lost in the complaints are important changes in American buying that all businesses need to recognize.


5 Easy Ways to Lose Customers (Infographic)

From shipping that's too expensive to deliveries that arrive without warning, this infographic outlines what not to do.

Business News

How to Get Your eCommerce Site Optimized for the Holiday Season

Follow these tips and take the most advantage of gift-buying online shoppers.


The Only Holiday Dates You Need to Know (Infographic)

This infographic has all the dates you'll need for a successful holiday season. Be sure to keep it in a safe place to stay on target.