Sustainability: Page 8

Science & Technology

3 Things Businesses Should Remember When Handling Used Consumer Electronics

Most businesses rely on electronic equipment, but not enough know how to handle and dispose of it properly.

Growth Strategies

Unleashing The "Governeurs," The Entrepreneurs Within Our Governments

The more visionary governeurs we have, the more promising our governmental organizations are to excel, embracing innovation, and fostering sustainable growth.

Thought Leaders

The Power of Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship — How Social Entrepreneurs Are Changing the World

Social entrepreneurs are the torchbearers of hope and progress, redefining the role of business in society.

Growing a Business

Why Being Profitable is a Business Strategy in Itself

Profitability is a part of the strategic effort to be a hyper-growth, customer-centric and commercially-minded organization. And yes, it's a strategy.

Science & Technology

68% of the World Will Soon Live in Urban Areas — Are Smart Cities the Future for Humanity?

Is Saudi Arabia's NEOM a vision or a mirage? Discover the transformative power of smart cities.

Growth Strategies

With A Goal To Fully Decarbonize The Last-Mile Industry, UAE-Based One Moto Secures US$40 Million In Lease Financing

With a goal to fully decarbonize the last-mile industry, the startup aims to introduce 50,000 electric delivery vehicles in the UAE by 2025.

Green Entrepreneur®

3 Studies Show What Sustainability Really Does to Your Bottom Line

Don't just ride the wave of business trends. Dig into the data.

Green Entrepreneur®

Have You Updated Your Vision Statement With Sustainability Goals? You Should, But Choose Your Words Carefully.

Words can mean different things to different people, in different situations.

Business News

Why Aren't More Companies Bragging About Their Environmental Efforts? Blame 'Greenhushing.'

In the world of corporate sustainability, it appears no publicity is good publicity.

Green Entrepreneur®

How the Circular Economy of Consumer Electronics Can Change Sustainability

Promoting the circular economy offers major sustainability benefits, but requires global collaboration across various industries.

Side Hustle

Her 'Junk' Side Hustle Soared to $10,000 in Monthly Sales Using a Simple Secret Every Business Owner Should Know

Maddy Clements, founder of sustainable clothing business JUNK GOLD, reveals how social media — coupled with another important tool — helped her sales skyrocket.


Make Your Office More Eco-Friendly — and Save Money —With These Steps Toward Sustainability

Entrepreneurs and business leaders can play a pivotal role in advancing the green building movement by transforming their offices into sustainable workspaces. Through these actionable steps, businesses can contribute to environmental sustainability while reaping benefits such as cost savings and improved workplace health.

Growth Strategies

"We Got Funded!" KSA-Based Kaso Raises US$10.5 Million In A Seed Round Following The Launch Of Its New F&B Fintech Vertical

The new funds are expected to be allocated towards two main areas: its newly launched fintech vertical that targets restaurants, and its short-term goal to achieve a gross merchandise value of US$1 billion by 2024.

News and Trends

5 Ways Web3 is Making Positive Social Impact

This decentralized system is not only enabling financial transparency and making enterprises more efficient but also creating a positive social impact in the world. Simply put, it is transforming several parts of the society.

News and Trends

Nominations Are Now Open For The Sustainability Innovation Awards 2023

The Sustainability Innovation Awards aim to celebrate the groundbreaking achievements of companies who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to sustainability in a variety of industries.