Cliff Ennico: Page 2

Cliff Ennico is a syndicated columnist and author of several books on small business, including Small Business Survival Guide and The eBay Business Answer Book. This column is no substitute for legal, tax or financial advice, which can be furnished only by a qualified professional licensed in your state.

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Latest: Page 2

Science & Technology

The Domain Name Dilemma

If the domain name you'd like to use is taken, as it likely will be, you still have plenty of available options.

Business Ideas

Taking Customers With You When You Start a Business

If you've decided to break off on your own and launch a business that's competition to your former employer, heed these words of wisdom from a business law expert.

Growing a Business

The Right Way to Fire Someone

Firing an employee may be the hardest thing you'll have to do, but if you follow these tips, you can get the job done right.


The Legal Issues of Advertising Online

Make sure your online ads are legally protected.


Pulling Your Customers on the Internet

Traditional marketing is all about "pushing" products. Find out why internet marketing is all about the "pull" and how you can learn to do it right.

Money & Finance

A Quick Guide to Tax Extensions

This legal expert shares the facts when it comes to filing for a tax extension.