Derek Gehl: Page 2

Derek Gehl is the CEO of the Internet Marketing Center, an internet marketing firm that has helped thousands of people learn to start and run their own online businesses. IMC hosts a new Search Marketing Lab Forum, where members have their strategy questions answered by search marketing specialists.

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Latest: Page 2


Google's New Ad Format

Learn how advertisers and publishers can benefit from Google's new advertising model that aims to turn ads into action.


Search Marketing 101

Learn the basics of an essential internet marketing strategy.


Write a Keyword-Rich Article to Increase Site Traffic

If you have a way with words, we have 3 simple steps that'll help increase your web traffic--for free.

Business Ideas

Improve Your Online Customer Service

If you're wondering why customers aren't coming back to your e-business, maybe you should take a long, hard look at your customer service.

Growing a Business

E-Business Trends: It's All About the Customer

Want to grow your online business in the coming year? Cater to your customers wherever and whenever they want to hear your marketing message.


Increase Your Online Sales

Don't just bank on one product. Learn how to generate even more sales by adding backend items.