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Business News

When Do You Need to Start Treating Your Side Gig Like a Real Business?

Even before the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many people used their free time to engage in their passions. Whether knitting scarves and selling them on Etsy or doing home repair work...

Business News

5 Bad Investments Even Smart People Make

When people read about failed investments, a common misconception is that the victims must not have thought things through carefully enough or made other "stupid" decisions. Unfortunately, however, intelligent people...

Business News

Invest Like a Woman: How Women in the U.S. Can Take Advantage of the Stock Market

An unexpected result of the COVID-19 pandemic is an increased number of women investing in the stock market. It’s challenging to determine the e...

Business News

8 Ways to Buy Now, Pay Later in 2021

If the pandemic left you a little strapped for cash, you might not be able to afford large purchases at the moment. Of course, this predicament isn't...

Business News

10 Tips to Pay Off College Debt Yourself

Paying for college yourself can be daunting, especially when the average student racks up $9,000 to $35,000 in debt each year. While financial experts...

Business News

How Open Banking Can Benefit Small Businesses

It's quite possible there will be significant incoming changes in the way customers and businesses participate in the banking ecosystem. With the emer...