Candy Store

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Candy sales kiosks are popping up in every mall across North America, and why not? Starting a business that retails candy is very straightforward and the biggest challenge to overcome is selecting the right operating location for the business. Ideally, a candy shop should be in a very busy area of a community so it can take advantage of foot traffic, as well as impulse buying by consumers. Also consider offering customers a free delivery service to expand the potential market to include customers who want to send candies to relatives in the hospital, loved ones at holiday time, and business owners seeking to reward clients or employees with their favorite box of chocolates or candies.

The Market

Your customers will be anyone with a sweet tooth or looking for a special gift for someone.

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Free Webinar | May 7: How to Write Your One-Page Business Plan Workshop

Did you know entrepreneurs with business plans are 260% more likely to launch? Join our workshop on May 7th and learn how to create a one-page business plan that will help you get your business off the ground. Register now!