Making a Change - Page 2

Ready to make a change? Discover how to pivot successfully, with strategies for organizational change, self-improvement and more, here.


I Signed a Series A Deal Just Days After Giving Birth. Here's How I Embrace Parenthood and Entrepreneurship By Breaking Stigmas

Let's dismantle the stigma and normalize conversations around pregnancy and motherhood in the workplace.


3 Steps to Prime Your Brain for a Growth Mindset

Take these three steps to cultivate a growth mindset and enhance your happiness and success.


Jobs Are Disappearing — These 3 Strategies Are What You Need to Future-Proof Your Career

Adopting tech tools for professional development, combined with boosting soft skills and staying tech-savvy, offers a path to becoming an invaluable asset in a tech-driven future.

Health & Wellness

Bouncing Back After Tragedy Isn't Impossible — Three Ways I Found Meaning Again as a Legally Blind CEO.

Coming back from a devastating diagnosis, debilitating condition or loss may feel like a faraway dream. But you can find meaningful work, even with a limitation or challenge, by following these three strategies to get you back on track.

More Posts on Making a Change

Starting a Business

How His Experience As a Teenage Father Fueled His Drive to Become a Successful Entrepreneur and Help Others

Entrepreneur and investor Kale Goodman shares his story of resilience and determination.

Growing a Business

Get Babbel for $150 for One Week Only

Connect to more qualified leads using a language-learning app.

Business Ideas

Don't Have Time to Eat Healthy? This Entrepeneur Has a Fix for That.

Luke Saunders, founder and CEO of Farmer's Fridge, built a company to make eating fresh food on the go as easy as buying a bag of chips.

Business News

I Felt a Lack of Direction After I Retired from Being a CEO. Then I Found a New Career as a Model at Age 63.

Here's how one retiree went from a rocking chair to rocking looks on the runway.

Real Estate

Buying and Selling Tips From a Guy Who Has Helped People Flip Over $100 Million in Real Estate

Jerry Norton, founder of Flipping Mastery, shares the real estate investment techniques he teaches and the personal passions that have fueled his success.


The Real Reason You Struggle With Accountability — and What You Can Do to Master It

Uncover how to stop sabotaging your own success, and discover practical steps to mastering accountability.


Improve Your Work-Life Balance By Applying These 4 Business Skills to Your Personal Life

Stressed? Try one of these four strategies to improve your work/life balance today. Hint: You already use them every day at work.


How Mindset Plays a Role in Your Entrepreneurial Success

Don't overlook the importance of mindset when you're starting or growing a business.

Growing a Business

Expand Your Business with a New Language While Babbel Is Only $150 for Life

Arguably the most popular language-learning platform in the world, its bite-size lessons are ideal for busy professionals.


Your Work Ethic Is Not the Problem — Debunking Three Modern-Day Productivity Myths

Productivity is an age-old dilemma. But before you try to solve it, consider whether you're asking the right questions.