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Best Practices for SaaS Copywriting

A software as a service (SaaS) business is only as good as its copy. In order to convince customers to try your product, you have to present your offering in a compelling manner. This article explores best practices that business owners should follow to make their products shine brighter than the competition.


What 2021 M&A Deals Tell Us about the Future of Online Advertising

While the rapid market capitalization dynamic isn't new in digital advertising, the reasons why it's happening have changed. What does it mean for the industry's future?

Social Media

What I Learned After Posting on 10 Platforms Every Day for 30 Days

An inside look into the challenges, discoveries and unexpected results that come from focusing on building an audience on social media and posting every day on every platform possible.


How Smart Marketing Can Drive 2,000% Growth, According to Athena Club's Co-Founders

Athena Club's diversified marketing helped it grow. Its cofounders explain how they did it, and why now was the right time to launch their big national campaign.

Business News

Climate Change Denial Content Will No Longer Profit From Ads on Youtube

The new policy will roll out next month.


How Digital-Advertising Conferences Are Coming Back to Life

The resurrection of in-person events is big news for the entire digital-advertising community.


4 Ways to Make the Most of A/B Testing Right Away

Gain valuable insights into your audience's preferences while also optimizing your buyer's journey.


Want to Increase Sales? Don't Buy Ads.

You can buy marketing, sales or attention, but product-market fit should always take center stage.


4 Things You Need (and One You Don't) to Form Your Brand's Digital Identity

This is your essential shortlist of must-haves to form your brand's digital identity.

Growing a Business

Pay Attention to This to Make Your PR More Effective Than Ever Before

Public relations drives traffic to your business's site, but how can you make sure you're putting your best foot forward?

Business News

Like Mobile Apps After the iPhone's Release, CTV Apps Are Ready to Explode

Here are the CTV-app verticals poised to see the most growth.


Stop Making Ads. Start Making Entertainment.

Audience entertainment should always be the main goal of any sales pitch.


The Good, the Bad, or the Ugly: Which Type of Digital Marketing Company is Pitching You?

How can you tell if you're about to hire the best or worst digital firm?


Why Brands Need Alternatives to Traditional Creative Marketing Agencies

The old structure has its place, but today's marketers need new alternatives to succeed.