Big Data: Page 10


Microsoft India's President Shares the 'ABC' of AI and Why the Technology is Happening Today

Time and again, the best minds in worlds have tried to carry out multiple experiments to showcase how AI worked


Intuition or Data: How Do Venture Capital Investors Evaluate Investment Opportunities?

The popularity of artificial intelligence and machine learning has led to whole new way of doing business


Best Ways to Use Data in Making Decisions

Bootstrapping a startup means making decisions on the fly from your gut, but there's a point where a company has to use data has to drive its calls.


How to Sell the Invisible in the World of Data and Digitization

By monitoring following things leading technology companies have identified the most basic demand of the customers


Three Stars of the Next Technology Revolution

As the world transitions into a cognitive economy, could blockchain serve as the catalyst?

Science & Technology

Is 'Data Scientist' the 'Sexiest Job of the 21st Century'? And How Do You Get One of Your Own?

Even if you're not versed in advanced analytics and data science, you can understand the thought process data scientists go through.

Science & Technology

AI Is Within Reach for Small Business Marketing

It's time to level the marketing playing field.

Science & Technology

Yaniv Altshuler Uses Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to Predict Consumer Behavior

The computer scientist and entrepreneur explains how his technology empowers banks, retailers, and other businesses.


How AI-Based Enterprise Applications Can Help You Make Better Business Decisions

Artificial intelligence technologies are being extensively integrated in large retail, supply chain, legal, financial and IT companies

Data & Recovery

How Companies Are Using Big Data to Boost Sales, and How You Can Do the Same

People used to think that big data was only for big business. They were wrong.


Alibaba Fosters its Growth in Open Source Big Data with New Acquisition

Here's how this acquisition will help Alibaba take Flink's technological advancement to the next level

News and Trends

Top 5 medical Innovations in 2018

The combination of the Internet of thing (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and nanotechnology will deliver comprehensive best healthcare services for everyone to live a healthy long life


Role of Technology in the Healthcare Sector

Technological advancements in the field of data management, AI and ML are now aiding healthcare providers and practitioners globally to monitor and manage their patient's in-hospitalisation and post hospitalisation

Growth Strategies

Why You Should Make this Year Data-driven

A data-driven approach is the best one to keep the sail of businesses afloat. Here's how businesses can target their focus-audience and tell alluring stories by using data


Here is Why the Fintech Industry Has Just Got Started

The power of blockchain has been identified in the year 2018. 2019 will be all about utilizing that power