brand positioning: Page 2


A Proud Patriot's Lessons for Operating in Your Sweet Spot

Build up your legacy with this advice from the musician behind "God Bless the USA."

Growing a Business

Your Value Soars When You Separate From the Herd

My coaching mentor wore a loud, argyle green blazer that drew people to him. What's your version of the blazer?

Starting a Business

The 3 Steps to Building a Winning Brand Strategy

Creating a brand strategy doesn't have to be complicated. Here's where to start.


The 3 Elements of Your Brand You Need to Nail Down for a Marketing Plan

If you don't have these in place, it'll be difficult to fully write and execute a marketing plan.


Before Falling in Love With Your Great Idea, Find Out If Anybody Wants It

A remarkably large percentage of entrepreneurs do far too little market research before launching their product.

Business Plans

The Entrepreneur's Simple Guide to Business Concepts

Here are quick phrases to help clarify and solidify terms that many people get confused.


Position Your Brand So It Reflects Who You Are

There's no separating yourself from your business when you're an entrepreneur. Use that to your advantage.


The Single Greatest Gift From Creating a Brand-Positioning Statement

Small-business owners and entrepreneurs should not be fooled into thinking positioning is only for the big brands.


Use Your Brand Positioning as a Compass for All Aspects of Your Business

The statement can help you make strategic decisions, train your team and develop creative messaging.


Beloved Brands Connect Emotionally to Lead the Pack

Any company can release a product with the expected features, so you need to earn a place in your customer's heart.


Find Your Brand's Proof Points

Identify the very unique attributes of a product or service that make it special. Then solidify the positioning.


Your Brand's Positioning Should Rest on the 1 Thing You Do Best

Choosing the sole purpose your statement rests on will be the toughest decision you'll make with your branding.


Define Your Brand With Focus and Flexibility

If you want customers to engage with your business, you need to clearly illustrate what it is all about.


Demographics Alone Are Not Enough to Position a Brand

Marketers really need to know their customers, or risk coming off flat and factual. Build up the psychographics of your potential base.


The Better You Know Your Customer, the Better You Can Position Your Brand

Collect as much information as you can on your target market so you can create a rich statement and experience.