Burnout: Page 9


El agotamiento del teletrabajo y la fatiga del zoom: mucho más complicados de lo que parecen

No es demasiado tarde para reconocer y mitigar los 12 problemas que causan el agotamiento del trabajo desde casa.

Business News

Overworked HSBC Manager Shares Near-Death Experience in Viral Post: 'This Is Not How I Planned My Sunday'

Jonny Frostick was having a seemingly normal Sunday when things suddenly took a turn.


5 Resilience Benefits for a Newly Remote Working Environment

Here are some cost-effective ways to help retain your workforce.


5 beneficios de resiliencia para un entorno de trabajo recientemente remoto

A continuación, presentamos algunas formas rentables de ayudar a retener a su fuerza laboral.

Making a Change

3 Ways to Stay Motivated Through an Unpredictable Year

As we surpass the year mark of a global crisis, zoom fatigue and WFH burnout are stronger than ever. Here are three tips for helping your team stay motivated regardless of what the rest of 2021 brings.


3 formas de mantenerse motivado durante un año impredecible

A medida que superamos la marca del año de una crisis mundial, la fatiga del zoom y el agotamiento de la FMH son más fuertes que nunca. Aquí hay tres consejos para ayudar a su equipo a mantenerse motivado independientemente de lo que traiga el resto de 2021.

Health & Wellness

How Leaders Can Help Their Teams Manage Stress in the New Year

Start with putting the right policies in place.


Cómo los líderes pueden ayudar a sus equipos a manejar el estrés en el año nuevo

Empiece por poner en práctica las políticas adecuadas.

Science & Technology

How to Reduce Tech-Related Stress for Customers and Employees

The excitement to adopt the smartest interface is pushing businesses to lose their focus on two important things: employees and customers.

Business News

5 Ways to Avoid Burnout While Building Your Personal Brand

Avoid inner-office stress by clearly communicating your values and why they matter.


5 formas de evitar el agotamiento mientras construye su marca personal

Evite el estrés interno de la oficina comunicando claramente sus valores y por qué son importantes.

Thought Leaders

8 Things About Entrepreneurship I Learned From John Lee Dumas

Focusing on purpose, working smart and surrounding ourselves with the right people are the keys to success.

Thought Leaders

The Case for Being an Unproductive Entrepreneur Right Now

Resist the temptation to always be "on."

Thought Leaders

5 Ways To Avoid Burnout Working As A Hybrid-Entrepreneur

You can both work at a day job and start your own business by following these tips.

Health & Wellness

This App Is Like Peloton and Headspace in One &#8212 And It's Just $29

Avoid stress and burnout by instituting a health and wellness routine.