Bytedance: Page 2

Business News

Chinese Communist Party Had 'Supreme Access' to TikTok Parent Company ByteDance's Data, Former Executive Says

Yintao Yu, a former ByteDance executive, is filing a wrongful dismissal lawsuit against the company and alleging it engaged in "lawlessness."


¿Qué es Lemon8? La aplicación hermana de TikTok que va en ascenso con 650,000 descargas en menos de dos semanas en Estados Unidos

La app ocupa el segundo lugar en la categoría de las mejores aplicaciones de estilo de vida en la tienda de aplicaciones de Apple.

Business News

What Is Lemon8? TikTok Sister App on the Rise With U.S. 650,000 Downloads in Less Than 2 Weeks

Lemon8 is currently ranking at No. 2 in the Apple App Store for top lifestyle apps.

Business News

FBI Director Wray Addresses Concerns About TikTok and National Security

According to Wray, the Chinese government "has a mission that's very much at odds with what's in the best interests of the United States."


Lancé la primera versión de TikTok y esto es lo que aprendí sobre la detección de tendencias virales

Sigue los intereses de tus usuarios. Ellos te mostrarán la próxima gran tendencia.


La empresa matriz de TikTok apuesta por las ciencias de la vida con inversión en la startup biotecnológica Shuimu BioSciences

ByteDance invirtió en la startup de biotecnología Shuimu BioSciences, experta en descubrimiento de fármacos y usa cryo-EM e IA para proporcionar soluciones innovadoras y rentables.

Social Media

TikTok ad revenue in 2022 will exceed that of Twitter and Snapchat combined

The Chinese social network continues to grow by leaps and bounds and will exceed $11 billion dollars this year.


El ingreso publicitario de TikTok en 2022 superará al de Twitter y Snapchat combinados

La red social china sigue creciendo a pasos agigantados y superará los $11 mil millones de dólares para el presente año.

Business News

Report: TikTok Eyes Group Chat Feature

The video-sharing platform may add a new social element this year.

News and Trends

ByteDance Layoffs Around 1,800 Indian Employees After Permanent Ban

The announcement comes after media reports suggested that the country will permanently ban 59 Chinese apps including TikTok to operate in the country

Social Media

5 Ways to Step into TikTok

If you want to attract young people, consider creating videos on TikTok in communities that dovetail with what your business offers.

Business News

Twitter Is Reportedly the Latest to Explore a Deal With TikTok

It's very early, but would be huge if it moved forward.

News and Trends

Are Political Parties Planning To Bet On TikTok For Election Advertisements?

Political campaigners and strategists are planning to boost their presence on TikTok for the upcoming elections to target the 200 million Indian users

News and Trends

What Are Some Of The Problems Faced By Social Media Companies In India

Social media companies have been facing trouble with the Indian government over privacy, data usage and spread of misinformation

News and Trends

TikTok is Dancing High With its Rise in India

TikTok has garnered a huge following in India. App has 120 million active monthly users in India