Careers: Page 3


What Is a 'Dry Promotion' — and Has It Happened to You? Employees in This Specific Group May Be the Most Likely Victims.

The phenomenon is becoming more prevalent as companies grapple with tighter budgets.

Side Hustle

The Remote Side Hustle a 43-Year-Old Musician Works on for 1 Hour a Day Earns Nearly $3,000 a Month: 'All From the Comfort of Home'

Sam Ziegler wanted to supplement his income as a professional drummer — then his tech skills and desire to help people came together.


I Moved My 80-Person Company to a 4-Day Workweek Even Though It's Against the Industry Norm. Here's Why We'll Never Go Back.

In 2021, TUX co-founders Dominic Tremblay and Ludwig Ciupka decided to find out if they could reinvent the workweek.


This Workplace Expert's 'Brainwashing'-Esque Technique Will Help You Get the Raise You Deserve

TEDx speaker and executive coach Henna Pryor reveals how to talk your way into the salary and role you desire.


This Is the No. 1 Skill You Must Master to Succeed at Work in 2024, According to a Tech CEO

Looking for a new career? Here's how to become an in-demand candidate anywhere.


This 'Clairvoyant' Thought Exercise Can Help You Make the Right Choice in Just Seconds, Says Google's Former Chief Decision Scientist

Cassie Kozyrkov, leader in decision intelligence and CEO of Data Scientific, delves into effective decision-making and its role amid the rapid advancement of AI.

Business News

It's Leap Day, and You're Probably Working — Here's How 'February 29' Affects Your Paycheck

One key distinction could determine if you see extra cash this year.


Practice the Powerful 'Morning 3' for a Focused and Satisfying Day, Says Google's Executive Productivity Advisor

Laura Mae Martin, author of the forthcoming book 'Uptime: A Practical Guide to Personal Productivity and Wellbeing,' shares her strategies for success.


These Are the 'Loneliest' Jobs in the U.S., According to a New Report

Remote work isn't necessarily the root cause.

Business News

This Job Hack to Escape Layoffs Is Gaining Popularity — But It's Divisive: 'It Altered My Brain Chemistry'

U.S. workers, especially younger generations, are considering government jobs for more security.


The Job Is Finished, Now What? 7 Lessons and Cautionary Tales About Life After Power From Former Presidents.

In the new book, "Life After Power," author Jared Cohen examines seven presidents' search for purpose after leaving the White House.


This Retirement Trend Is Helping People Ease 'Financial Anxieties' and Avoid 'Loss of Purpose,' Workplace Expert Says

Taking a nontraditional approach to retirement comes with several advantages.

Growing a Business

The Best Job Sites That Can Also Serve as Your Career Page

Reach the full potential of your organization's online presence by using top job sites as extensions of your official career page, enhancing your employer brand, attracting top talent, and fostering a positive perception among job seekers.


10 Ways to Be a Better You at Work in 2024

New Year's resolutions already petering out? One way to break this cycle is to shift from extrinsic goals to intrinsic ones. Here are ten that will help you grow this year.