College Students: Page 2

Business News

Amazon Is Offering Students $25 Flights Home for the Holidays

Amazon partnered with StudentUniverse to sell thousands of $25 tickets for Prime Student members.

Business News

This College Student Started a Side Hustle So He Didn't Have to Bartend Until 4 am. Now He's Earning $7,000 a Month — and Putting It to Good Use.

Jack TerHaar, a University of Georgia senior, is polishing profits with Detail Dawgs, a mobile detailing service in Athens.

Business News

An Ivy League University Is Teaching the Secret of Taylor Swift's Success

Several major universities have added courses dedicated to studying Swift's star power.

Science & Technology

Meet the 16-Year-Old Stanford Intern Whose AI Project Could Save Your Life — Plus 5 Other Young Tech Visionaries Recognized By Apple

Apple announced four new "Everyone Can Code" projects that will help students learn and refine their app-development skills.


If You've Applied to College, You Can Pitch Investors. Here's Why.

Surprising similarities in these life-altering exchanges include the art of persuasion as part of a unique communication skill set.

Business News

Grand Canyon University Slapped with Record $37.7 Million Fine For 'Lies' About Program Costs

The Department of Education has accused GCU of misleading students about the expenses related to their doctoral programs.


You Don't Need a College Degree for These 10 In-Demand Jobs That Can Pay More Than 6 Figures

Americans are rethinking the traditional college route as major companies like Apple and IBM drop degree requirements.

Business News

These Are The 10 Most Lucrative Majors — And 6 Have a Median Salary in 6 Figures

The degree with the highest median earning potential, electrical engineering, had a median salary of $110,000 and is composed of 85% of men and only 15% of women.

Business News

Video Shows Pier Collapsing, Plunging Dozens of People Into a Wisconsin Lake

The pier was scheduled to be removed just one day after the accident.

Business News

Supreme Court Blocks Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan — Here's How It May Affect the Economy

Constitutional questions surrounded the looming decision on President Biden's student loan forgiveness program that would have eliminated federal student loan debt for about 20 million people.

Business News

Supreme Court Rules Against Affirmative Action at Harvard and UNC

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that race can no longer be used as a basis for college admissions, overturning a longstanding precedent.

Business News

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Is Suing the Biden Administration Over Higher Education Standards That Control Federal Student Loans. Here's Why

The 41-page lawsuit, filed on Wednesday, argues that Congress has given "unchecked power" to private accrediting agencies that determine education standards required to receive federal funding.

Business News

14-Year-Old Software Engineer Hired by SpaceX Is Still Too Young to Be on LinkedIn: 'This Is the Illogical, Primitive Nonsense That I Face Constantly'

Kairan Quazi entered college at the age of 9. Now he is set to graduate from Santa Clara University's School of Engineering.

Business News

California Colleges Are Flooded With 'Ghost Students' Attempting to Steal Financial Aid

About 20% of applications for California community colleges are fraudulent, according to the State Chancellor's Office.

Business News

AI is Disrupting Higher Education — Will Traditional Colleges Survive?

AI is booming, and students are using it to navigate assignments. Will colleges survive?