Community: Page 10

Thought Leaders

How This Inspiring Entrepreneur Built His Own Community

Here's what to do when you feel like an outsider.


Passion Drives You to Succeed; Let It Also Drive You to Give Back

The greatest measure of an entrepreneur's stature is how much they help others.

Starting a Business

This Company Took a Huge Risk When It Opened Its $30 Million Collaborative Space

When it opened its door, community space New Lab wasn't filled to capacity.

Thought Leaders

Being a Female Entrepreneur Can Be Incredibly Lonely. This Founder Is Changing That.

Kathleen Griffith, the founder behind Build Like a Woman, plans on forging connections and community with female entrepreneurs.

Thought Leaders

How This Famous Rapper-Entrepreneur Is Transforming The Bronx

Platinum hip-hop artist Styles P launched a chain of juice bars to bring affordable, healthy options to underserved communities.

Business News

What Every Company Can Learn From Amazon's Search for a Second Headquarters

Here is the mindset you need to maximize the resources you have your disposal.


This Successful Entrepreneur Shares How You Can Build A High-Performing Company While Staying True to Your Values

Nextdoor CEO Nirav Tolia says its as simple as investing in people and putting them first.


Networking for Dummies: How is it Beneficial for Entrepreneurs

For every entrepreneur, regardless of their stage it is important to network and take home notes on their idea

Thought Leaders

This Founder Explains How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck in a Collaborative Workspace

From utilizing the resources to getting advice from your neighbors, community workspaces can be extremely beneficial.


7 Strategies to Help Entrepreneurs Make Sensible Political Donations

It doesn't take a tremendous investment of time, effort or money to get politically engaged and make your business interests known.

Thought Leaders

What Business Are You Really In?

If you're passionate about what you do, then chances are high you're not just in it for the money. What drives your business forward?

Growth Strategies

#15 Tips to Get the Most Out of Working At a Co-working Space

A good strategy is to take a break with people in fields that are different from your own and see the ways your fields intersect.


Why Some Small Business Owners Are Turning to Crowdfunding to Save Their Company

In times of crisis, some entrepreneurs are finding that their greatest support system is their customer base.

Growth Strategies

#4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Make the Most Out Of a Co-working Space

Co-working can become the best option for an entrepreneur if used wisely.

Thought Leaders

Entrepreneurs Could Be the Key to Rejuvenating Areas of the Country That Have Been Left Behind

Colorado may be a case study in bringing the power of innovation to rural communities.