Competitors: Page 6

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Deal With Competitors

In business, you can't make the competition disappear completely, but that's alright. Accept the challenge -- you will have a stronger business because of it.


On the Rocks: Jack Daniel's and Liquor Giant Diageo Feud Over 'Tennessee Whiskey'

What makes a whiskey a Tennessee whiskey? These two companies have different ideas -- and the debate is getting heated.

Social Media

Spying 101: How to Figure Out Everything About Your Competition Online

Want to get an edge on your competition? Follow this guide on keeping tabs on your competitors in the digital realm.

Business News

Why Customers Become More Loyal After Flirting With Other Brands

A Harvard behavioral scientist says a relationship with a brand is a lot like a romantic relationship. Straying is invigorating, but brings back feelings for a favored brand even stronger.

Growing a Business

Why a Dog-Eat-Dog Mentality Doesn't Work

Thinking that you have to annihilate your competitors to dominate your industry may not be the best approach to scale your company. Here is why.

Business News

How to Steal Your Competitor's Social Media Followers

If you want to accelerate your social media game by getting followers from your competitors, here are several tips you should consider.


5 Simple Ways to Stand Out Among Your Business Competitors

The founder of a social strategy consultancy offers real-world business advice from the dating world.

Business News

Kickstarter's Crowdfunding Competitors That Also Help Deliver the Goods

Once a successful crowdfunding campaign ends, the pressure is on for entrepreneurs to make good on their promises. These platforms can help.

Business News

Not Top Dog? 4 Ways to Project a Bigger Brand

Tech expert Prerna Gupta shares her tips on how to compete with bigger competitors.