Confidence: Page 10

Starting a Business

10 Fantasies Vs. Realities of Entrepreneurship

Life of a businessman may look glossy but it is full of hardships,let's have an insight view of it


Sweeten Founder Shares How She Rises to Meet Every New Learning Curve With Confidence

'You have to accept that you're the type of person that likes the challenge. When you make that switch, it's game on,' says Jean Brownhill.

Thought Leaders

This Simple Email Tool Will Help You Sound More Confident

It does that by highlighting any words that are apologetic.

Business News

After Severing Ties With a Business Partner, This Entrepreneur Had to Trust in Herself and Go It Alone

As a college student, Haley Hoffman Smith founded a nonprofit, wrote a book and started another company. But when things turned sour with a business partner, she had to cut ties and start over.

Thought Leaders

How to Be a Confident Badass at Work (and Silence That Little Voice in Your Head)

You're more than enough, you're great at your job and you can do anything you set your mind to. Here's how to start believing it.

Making a Change

6 Techniques You Can Use to Boost Your Career Self-Confidence

It's actually good to fake it 'til you make it.

Business News

How to Build Your Confidence and Create the Reputation You Want

Here are some quick tips to give your confidence a boost.

Thought Leaders

This Young Founder Built a Multimillion Dollar Business by Rejecting the Silicon Valley Ethos and Being True to Herself

Laura Behrens Wu came to the U.S. as an outsider, and admits she's still trying to find her way.

Growth Strategies

8 Characteristics Every Salesperson Must Have

Not every person is a born sales leader but many commonalities can be found in the personality traits of successful salespeople.

Business News

How to Let Go of Your Ego

Whether you want to admit it or not, you have an ego. Everyone does.

Growing a Business

How to Look and Sound More Confident (Infographic)

These quick tips will help boost your confidence in five minutes.

Business News

How Your Imagination Can Help Improve Your Well-Being and Even Assist in Negotiations

It all comes down to the power of positive thinking.

Thought Leaders

10 Things Successful People Never Say

Cast out self-destructive thoughts before they prevent you from tasting true success.

Resumes & Interviewing

10 Ways to Overcome Your Interview Fears

Upgrade how you prepare for an interview to elevate your confidence.


5 Ways Adventure Travel Makes You a Better Entrepreneur

Exploring new places and dealing with challenges in the moment teach resilience and confidence.