Customer Engagement: Page 3


Why This Business Metric is Crucial to Understanding Your Business

In the intricate tapestry of business metrics, CAC stands out not just as a measure but as a philosophy, guiding businesses toward both profitability and meaningful customer engagement.


Want to Become a Truly Customer-Centric Organization? Take These 5 Transformational Steps Now

If you're taking the initiative to be more customer-centric, these five points from the perspective of a customer service consultant will get you well on your way — while keeping you from making unnecessary detours along the way.


Does Going 'Woke' Mean Going Broke? Inside the Polarized World of Socially Conscious Branding.

The best politically charged marketing and PR campaigns are ones where brands have an exact understanding of their customer profile and have gained a comprehensive analysis of their likes, dislikes, fears, and motivations.


10 Expert Principles For Designing Better Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys

Do you truly want to know how customers view your customer service (and can handle the truth)? If so, here's a 10-point consultation that will help you do exactly that through improved customer survey design and proper deployment and follow-up practice.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Implement Lean Principles in Your Business While Achieving Consistent Results

Lean management principles can be applied to many essential parts of a company, including production, supply chain management, customer service and administrative processes


Your Customers Want to Text You — Why Text Messaging is the New Customer Service Channel Customers Love The Most

There is vast promise and power in this simple, often overlooked way of communicating back and forth with your customers.


We Have an Empathy Crisis on Our Hands. Here's How to Combat the Rising Trend of Poor Customer Service.

Ever wonder why exceptional customer service is becoming an endangered species? Here's how you can make your business stand out in a sea of mediocrity simply by upping your customer service game.


Are Your Testimonials Helping Or Hurting? 4 Common Mistakes To Avoid

Misused testimonials can ruin your business. Learn how to avoid the four common mistakes companies make with endorsements before your brand takes a hit.

Growing a Business

The Key to Building Unshakeable Customer Relationships

Discussing the power of micro-moments and how to capitalize on them to build strong relationships with your customers.


Don't Get Defensive — Avoid These 7 Phrases When Talking With an Angry Person

Customer service training in this exclusive article on how to avoid defensive language—and what to replace it with when talking with a customer.

Growth Strategies

Transforming Customer Feedback Into Actionable Business Outcomes: The How-To

The path to triumph in today's competitive landscape is carved by customer centricity.


7 Key Traits of Marketing Professionals Who Deliver

Pursuing your company's marketing and growth goals is much more efficient with a results-focused expert on the team: key characteristics to look for.


What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Hidden Parallels Between Japanese Martial Arts and Customer Interaction

By aligning with this concept, you can enhance your communication with customers, leading to breakthroughs for your company.


Use This Secret Customer Service Technique to Boost Your Customer Retention and Loyalty

Get ready for your reviews to go through the roofs, your customer loyalty to respond likewise, and your cash registers to start ringing like they've never done before.


Is the Customer Always Right? How to Understand Customer-Centric Thinking to Drive Engagement

"The customer is always right" is not just a rule anymore; it's about exploring why customers want what they want.