Customer Feedback: Page 10

Starting a Business

Test These 3 Feedback Strategies Before You Launch Your Startup

If you don't validate your business idea with potential customers, you can't know if you're really offering them what they want or need.

Thought Leaders

Customer Service Depends on Relationships Even in the Mobile Age

Our instant-gratification culture means you need to respond quickly, provide value and let customers decide how and when to start the conversation.

Business News

How Criticism Can Save Your Small Business

Don't let your mistakes get you down. Instead, use them to your advantage.

Thought Leaders

The Art of Failing Well

Admitting mistakes is how we stretch and grow. Make the most of these critical learning opportunities.

Growing a Business

The 3 Ways You Can be Certain Your Customers Feel Appreciated

They may not always be right, but you must listen. Not much to ask, really, and it doesn't cost a penny.

Thought Leaders

Do You Know What Your Customers Want? Are You Sure?

Your world revolves around your customers, not the other way around. Treat them like it.

Growing a Business

Rapid Prototyping: The Best Route to Happy Customers

Transform product development from a guessing game into great market research: 4 ways how.

Growth Strategies

5 Ways To Thank Your Customers Before Your Competitors Do

Delighting your customers is a winning tactic.

Growth Strategies

Customer Feedback For Startups

A good way would be to mention a dedicated number for customers to call in with their feedback.

Business News

Leveraging Feedback and Referrals for Growth

Gathering and promoting feedback can lead to big wins.


7 Traits of Exceptional Leaders In the Age of Customer Feedback

Leadership increasingly involves your ability, and willingness, to listen.


Feedbacks: No Laughing Matter

Five entrepreneurs share their crazy feedbacks and how good they were.

Thought Leaders

5 Tips for Dealing with Unhappy Clients

If you simply demand pay, you will have won the battle and lost the war.


Prime Day Fail: What Merchants Need To Know

Get creative and use Prime Day to build value for your storefront. Learn what your customers want and prepare for the holiday season.

Growing a Business

Customer Loyalty Is Spelled N-P-S

NPS is a measurement tool that helps businesses gauge how likely customers are to refer others.