Customer Loyalty: Page 8


11 Entrepreneurs Who Broke All the Rules-and Achieved Great Success

Rules are made to be broken, right? Take inspiration from these founders, who trusted their gut and reaped the benefits.

Thought Leaders

How to Serve Customers - and Keep Users Happy, Too

Users or customers? Three ways to explore who your company really serves.

Growing a Business

How to Earn Brand Loyalty in an Unloyal World

Increasingly, there has to be a higher ideal than just your bottom line if you want your brand to build loyalty that lasts.

Starting a Business

5 Expert Tips For Launching a Food or Consumer Products Business During a Downturn

Brands that can do a great job of weaving themselves through consumers' constantly changing realities can develop loyal consumer bases, even when times are tough.


How to Build a Brand Story That Buyers Emotionally Connect With

Reaching prospective consumers on a deeper level can lead to increased loyalty and more sales.


Free Webinar: Secrets of Building a Successful Consumer Brand That Customers Love

Learn how to make customers fall in love with your brand and keep coming back for more.

Growth Strategies

Why Customer-centricity Wins Out Every Time

Customer-centricity is synonymous with successful businesses, especially as markets are saturated with more choice than ever, and savvy customers are increasingly empowered to explore their options

Growing a Business

Increase Conversions by Providing Social Proof with JustProof

Turn traffic into paying customers.

Growing a Business

How to Make Your E-commerce Site More Trustworthy

Here are some tricks to keeping customers around in the online-shopping trade.


What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from the Backlash to Hotel and Resort Fees

Being upfront with customers about pricing will create a customer for life.


Closing the Gap Between Brand Promises and Customer Trust

Here are four questions every company should ask before marketing for consumer bucks.


The Role of After-sale Services in Driving Customer Loyalty for Brands

It is the responsibility of the brand to offer timely service to customers and resolve the issue as soon as possible

Growing a Business

3 Reasons Why I Gladly Welcome Competition

When it comes to facing the crowded field, I say: Bring it on.


8 Proven Ways to Curate Your Customers into a Community

To win in business, create a tribe of die-hard fans.


How To Attract The Customers Of Tomorrow

Tomorrow's customers are more socially and economically conscious than ever before. Is your brand keeping up with the need for transparency and being ethically responsible?