DEI: Page 3


Companies Aren't Talking About Black Vernacular and Dialect Bias in The Workplace. Here's Why That Needs to Change.

One of the biggest strikes against Black workers in the United States isn't always the way they look or dress, but it can often be something more subtle and ingrained: how they speak.

Growing a Business

How to Leverage Employee and Business Resource Groups to Create a More Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Here are some tips on how to better engage your company's employee resource groups and business resource groups to improve DEI hiring outcomes.

Business News

Uber Suspends Its Diversity Chief After 'Don't Call Me Karen' Session Elicits Outrage

Head of diversity Bo Young Lee led a series of discussions about race and the experiences of underrepresented groups called "Moving Forward."


How to Close Your Wage Gap and Open Equity at Work

Wage gaps aren't just a pay discrimination issue; they're an inclusive workforce issue.


Why You Need a Diversity and Inclusion Expert to be Involved in the Layoff Decision-Making Process

Workforce reduction decision-makers aren't leaning on their DEIB teams enough. Here's why that's a mistake.

Thought Leaders

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Are Privileged

As a Black woman entrepreneur, I've managed to run a successful diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultancy for the past six years. But despite the years I dedicated to my entrepreneurial journey, I still benefited from a level of privilege that many don't share when it comes to entrepreneurship.


Why Companies Are Failing in Their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts

Let's explore why it's crucial for companies to prioritize the success of their DEI leaders and equip them with the necessary resources and authority to foster an inclusive workplace.


The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace for Startups

Let's discuss the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace and a few strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion in your startup.


4 Ways Inclusive Leaders Can Respond to the Weaponizing of DEI

Inclusive leaders must be prepared to respond to the arguments around the value of more inclusive cultures to ensure that we do not undermine our core values and commitments to employees and all stakeholders.


Does DEI Training Work? It Depends How Proactive It Is.

DEI training can be great for any business, but only under the right circumstances from the top down.


Is Diversity Work Actually Helping or Hurting Businesses? The Answer Is Complex.

DEI work continues to polarize the workforce into two sides — pro-DEI and anti-DEI — yet most people are in the middle. Let's illustrate how DEI can unite or divide organizations by tapping into the following three proven strategies.


Do You Have an 'Inclusion Delusion?' Here's How a Lack of Inclusivity Can Create a Toxic Culture

Here's what happens when your work culture lacks inclusivity — along with some tips on how to be a truly inclusive leader.


Are You a Performative Ally? Here Are the Signs.

True allies don't just say they're committed to diversity and inclusion — they show it. Here's how you can spot a genuine ally vs. a performative one.


5 Qualities of Black Excellence Overlooked in the Workplace

Now is the time for conventional, white and eurocentric workplaces to finally recognize the unique qualities that come from Black culture and lift up employees who exemplify these qualities.


6 Ways to Celebrate Black History Month and Be a Better Ally in the Workforce Beyond February

An authentic celebration of Black heritage throughout the year can help companies foster understanding and empathy among coworkers from different backgrounds. Such a celebration also allows employees to learn more about their colleagues' experiences, which promotes a deeper sense of community and understanding. How to be a Better Ally in the Workplace During Black History Month — and Beyond.