Donald Trump: Page 10

Social Media

Is Vocally Opposing President Trump Risky Business?

Brands that oppose Trump policies on social justice grounds have, so far at least, not suffered any significant loss of customer support.

Business News

The Trump Administration's Cyber Hubris

Trump uses an insecure Android phone and his press secretary tweets passwords. What could possibly go wrong?


4 Reasons Why Modi-Trump's Bromance Could Turn Into Bizmance

Before assuming office, Trump had praised India's fast growth rate and Modi's bureaucratic and economic reforms.

News and Trends

#5 Quotes From the #WEF 2017 That Can Shake the World Economy

The WEF meeting was dominated by various subjects like Robotics, China, Donald Trump and Brexit this year.

Business News

Trump Picks Net Neutrality Foe as New FCC Chairman

Not surprisingly, ISP trade groups cheered the announcement while consumer groups voiced concern.

Business News

How 10 Brands Thoughtfully Chimed In on President Trump's Inauguration

Companies acknowledged the presidential transition and subsequent Women's March in a range of ways.

Business News

These Are the Most Inspiring Words From President Trump's Inauguration Speech

'We stand at the birth of a new millennium,' the 45th president of the United States says.

Business News

Boeing, Chevron and Other Huge Companies Are Spending $90 Million on Trump's Inauguration

The Presidential Inaugural Committee has raised at least $90 million -- a record -- to pay for the festivities and provide big donors some face time with the new administration.

Business News

How to Watch the Presidential Inauguration Online for Free

At noon ET, Donald J. Trump will become the 45th president of the United States of America. Watch live.

Thought Leaders

Meet the Business Leaders Serving in Trump's Administration

Many of the 45th President's cabinet picks hail from the corporate world.


Safeguarding Your Brand in Trump's Social Media World

The President-elect's willingness to slam individuals and specific companies on Twitter is a new concern for brand defenders.


How Will Donald Trump's Presidency Affect Crowdfunding?

Political views aside, the experts weigh in on what may come.

Business News

U.S. Intel Chiefs Push Back on Trump and Russia Hack

Clapper welcomes "healthy skepticism" of US intel, but there's a "difference between skepticism and disparagement."


3 Ways Startups Can Promote Innovation in the Trump Era

The president-elect's promise to eliminate 70 percent of federal regulations? From an innovation standpoint, this couldn't be more uplifting news for the country.

Science & Technology

The 5 Panels Entrepreneurs Must Attend at This Year's CES

Our recommendations for the talks that will give you the pulse on the future of entrepreneurship.