Entrepreneurs: Page 9


The Trusted Compliance Partner: Archit Gupta, Founder and CEO, Clear

In its commitment to simplifying complex finance operations, especially electronic invoicing (as an official IRP, the company manages e-invoicing requirements across enterprise segments), Clear has expanded to the Middle East as well, particularly in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

News and Trends

6 Lessons I Learnt In My First Startup Venture

At his earlier role at Rover, he gained some invaluable and insightful lessons that became quite useful at running his current AI venture- Turing


The Working Capital Provider: Manish Kumar, CEO and Founder, KredX

Prior to his venture, Kumar worked with various banks and financial institutions, investing a significant portion of his time in the financial services space

News and Trends

Unleashing the Fintech Powerhouse: How Businesses Shape the Future of Finance

Monezium.io — Unleashing the Fintech Giant with Which Business Shapes the Future of Finance


I Went on a Retreat to Reignite My Entrepreneurial Passion. Here's What I Learned That Will Forever Change The Way I Lead.

An international adventure could be exactly what you need to achieve your entrepreneurial goals.


Decoding success: 5 Key Insights From A Principal Software Engineer's Journey

The market of innovative IT solutions in sales and marketing is experiencing exponential growth. Businesses must invest more resources and time to create products that appeal to audiences across different countries. It's also crucial to recognize the needs of customers.

Money & Finance

How to Choose the Right Financial Advisor — A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Use this guide to select a financial advisor who not only understands your unique financial needs but also has the expertise, experience and connections to support your business and personal goals effectively.


These 5 Bad Habits Are Hurting Your Business — Here's How to Break Them

When you develop these negative habits, it can severely impact work performance and, because the behavior has become so routine, you may not even realize the harm you're causing. Here's how to tackle these 5 bad business habits head-on.

Side Hustle

3 Secrets to Starting a Small Business Side Hustle That Gives Your Day Job a Run for Its Money, According to People Who Did Just That — and Made Millions

Almost anyone can start a side hustle — but only those ready to level up can use it to out-earn their 9-5s.

Growing a Business

Your Comprehensive Guide to Becoming an SEO Expert – and Making Money While Doing It

Whether you're looking to earn more money or grow your digital presence, becoming an SEO expert could be a major windfall.

Life Hacks

3 Quintessential Skills To Help Your Teen Thrive in College

As teens continue to face increased anxiety around academic achievement and other parts of their life, here are three things we can do as parents to equip them with the skills they need to thrive.


The Real Reason You Struggle With Accountability — and What You Can Do to Master It

Uncover how to stop sabotaging your own success, and discover practical steps to mastering accountability.


You Won't Achieve a Work-Life Balance Without Doing These 10 Things

Reach the perfect balance between work and life by following these strategies.

Starting a Business

Ask Marc | Get Free Business Advice From the Co-Founder of Netflix

Get the answers to your most challenging business problems during our next Ask Marc, live Q&A, on 5/9/24 at 2 PM ET. You don't want to miss it—send in your questions now.


Big Goals, Bold Choices: Sara Al Madani, Serial Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, And Reality TV Star

It is Al Madani's belief that entrepreneurs should let their ideas evolve, and this is one of the points she often raises during her many public speaking engagements.