Exit Strategies: Page 8

Money & Finance

5 Things Business Owners Should Keep in Mind With Succession Planning

Being properly prepared puts the company leader in the best vantage point even if a sale is not immediately on the horizon.

Business News

5 Legal Steps to Take to Shutter Your Business

It can be a hard decision to close up shop, but make sure you do it properly if it comes down to it.

Business Plans

First Steps: Writing the Executive Summary of Your Business Plan

This quick guide offers tips that will help you create the executive summary for your business plan.

Thought Leaders

3 Reasons I Decided to Leave the Company I Co-Founded

One entrepreneur explains how he came to the difficult decision to step away and leave the company he loves and helped to build.


Why It's Key for Franchisees to Have an Exit Strategy

You may not realize it when you buy a franchise, but franchising is a journey. And, every journey must eventually come to an end.

Starting a Business

5 Things to Do Before Saying 'I Do' to a Business Partner

When you meet a potential partner your personalities may click and your goals may be identical, but to have a successful relationship, clarity is key.

Growing a Business

Ramping Up the Curb Appeal as You Plan to Sell Your Business

Do a thorough inventory of such things as the company's brand assets and messaging to assure the highest value upon a transition in ownership.

Thought Leaders

I Gave My Business Away. Here Are 3 Reasons Why.

Would you simply give your business away instead of selling it for a profit?

Money & Finance

A Mindset Tune-Up for a Profitable Exit Strategy

Some simple shifts in thinking can help you attract buyers and move toward a profitable deal.

Money & Finance

Selling Your Business at Your Price

No matter what valuation method you choose, plan your exit strategy for your company far in advance.

Money & Finance

Why You Should Integrate a Family Trust with Your Business

Utilizing a Revocable Living Trust can be an affordable way to ensure your business passes effectively to your family or loved ones upon your death.

Growing a Business

Top 5 Reasons e-Businesses Fail

Learn from the mistakes failed dotcom businesses made so you don't make the same errors when starting your e-business.

Growing a Business

The Ethics Coach on Exit Strategy Etiquette

The do's and don't of handling exit strategies and partnerships that have gone sour.


U.K. Dad Decides to Give Away His Startup

This entrepreneur isn't interested in selling his startup. His exit strategy is to simply give the business away.

Buying / Investing in Business

Silicon Valley VCs Are More Confident Than They've Been in Years

Confidence among West Coast startup investors has reached a level not seen since 2007. For some VCs, though, the level of excitement is something to be cautious about.