Flipkart: Page 10


This Couple has been Giving Indians 'Spa At Home' Since 2000

Being bootstrapped, the home-grown brand depended on word-of-mouth promotion

Starting a Business

#5 Start-up Legal Battles that Can be a Lesson for Every Entrepreneur

In 2017, many Indian startups have hit headlines for having run-ins with the court


How to Create Snowball Effect with Digital Marketing Strategies

Social media and mobile apps are seen to play a big role when it comes to advertising a product


Why Self-publishing May be a Good Idea for You

Big publishers have a lot of manuscripts in the pipeline and it make months before your turn comes


Flipkart Buys Out Snapdeal. But, Can it Outsmart Amazon?

The pact seems to be an outcome of a complex politics, working in layers, in business with the ultimate motive of keeping Amazon at bay

Growth Strategies

Is The E-commerce Space All About Capital?

Only the big players backed by huge funding seem to be surviving

Growth Strategies

From Start-up to Unicorn in a Decade: Here's List of Top #5

These companies have crossed the $ 1-billion mark in terms of market valuation


Entrepreneurs Must Realize That Virtual is the Reality in the New World

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing and Robotics have leaped out of a sci-fi author's imagination and are now available in the real world

News and Trends

The biggest M&As That Shook the Indian Startup Ecosystem

If reports are to be believed, a big merger is on the cards with Paytm acquiring Freecharge


Factors Influencing Paradigm Shift in India's Logistics Sector

Implementation of GST was to push organized logistics industry and also improve cost structure for the industry

News and Trends

How this #1 Global Conglomerate Is Engulfing Indian Market

Indian e-commerce industry is brimming with confidence over its new- found popularity and this group's decision to enter the sector will surely reap benefits for Paytm


Cash On Delivery, The UPI Solution

'Logistics companies must invest in card machine terminals and train their delivery boys on how to use them'

Growth Strategies

We Have Consistently Supported Free Flow Of Capital: Amazon India Head

From launching services like Amazon Prime to products like Fire TV Stick, the company has managed to create a competitive landscape for the home-grown e-commerce firms.

News and Trends

Flipkart Acquires eBay India, Raises $1.4 Billion In Funds

The company will have a valuation of $11.6 billion after the latest round of fundraising, which is is its biggest ever, Flipkart said.