Fraud: Page 2

Business News

Beware of Prime Scams This Holiday Season, Amazon Warns

Amazon is warning customers to look out for two kinds of scams as holiday shopping begins.

Business News

Former PR Exec Accused of Involving Celebrities in 'Fictitious' Campaigns Pleads Guilty to Defrauding Victims Out of $3.8 Million

Andrew Garson pled guilty to one count of wire fraud and agreed to pay $3,754,068 in restitution to the victims of his crime. His sentencing is scheduled for February 28, 2024.

Money & Finance

How the EU Is Preventing Fraud and What It Means for You

The EU recently issued a comprehensive report on the "serious risks" across decentralized finance.

Business Ideas

Online Merchants Are Losing Significant Revenue With This Billing Mistake — Are You Guilty?

With clear, recognizable billing descriptors, merchants can save themselves the headache of avoidable transaction disputes and keep their customers happy and returning.

Business News

Social Media Fraud Is On the Rise — And Even the Most Savvy Are Getting Scammed. Here Are the Most Common.

One in four individuals who reported being scammed since 2021 said it originated on social media, amounting to $2.7 billion in losses, per the FTC.

Business News

Sam Bankman-Fried's Parents Sued by FTX Over Alleged 'Misappropriation' of Millions

FTX has initiated a lawsuit against the parents of its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, in an attempt to recover millions of dollars that the company alleges were fraudulently transferred and misappropriated.

Business News

This Illegal Practice is Strangling Hospitality Businesses — Here are 9 Things to Do About It

From fresh ingredients to financial integrity, here's how to ensure your business isn't short-changed.


Why Do We Let Ourselves Get Scammed?

On this week's episode of "Dirty Money," psychologist Christopher Chabris shares tips to avoid getting taken in by expert financial criminals.

Business News

Arizona Takes Action Against Fraudulent Rehab Centers Exploiting Vulnerable Communities

Many Native individuals seeking help for substance abuse issues express disillusionment with residential facilities and clinics, which have failed to deliver on promises of sobriety and stability.

Business News

'An Appalling Case': A Woman Raised Over $40,000 for Australian Wildfire Relief But Donated Less Than $15

As pressure from donors mounted, the woman came forward and admitted to spending the money on luxury items for herself.

Science & Technology

What Do Crypto and AI Get-Rich-Quick Schemes Have in Common? FOMO and Flimsy Due Diligence

A new wave of fraudulent investment schemes is coming — and it's powered by AI.

Business News

A Man Was Just Charged for Scamming Home Depot Out of $300,000 — And a Popular, Customer-Friendly Policy Made It Easy

The scheme unfolded between June 2021 and June 2022 and spanned several stores in different states.

Business News

An 81-Year-Old Florida CEO Just Indicted for a $250 Million Ponzi Scheme Ran a Sprawling Senior Citizen Crime Ring

Carl Ruderman is the fifth senior citizen in the Miami-Fort-Lauderdale-Palm Beach metropolitan area to face charges in connection with the scam.

Business News

California Family Accused of Recycling Fraud Scheme Worth Millions, Facing Possible Prison Time

The charges filed against family members include grand theft, recycling fraud and conspiracy.