Halloween: Page 5


Franchises Get Into Halloween Spirit

Roto-Rooter says it ain't afraid of no ghosts. Meanwhile, Baskin-Robbins and Party City jump on the Halloween hay ride.

Business Ideas

7 Tips to Create Winning Window Displays

How to design windows that will command attention and lure shoppers into your store.


How to Bite Off a Chunk of the Zombie Economy

Zombie-related sales are a $5 billion market opportunity any entrepreneur can feast on. Here are a four ways you can reap some zombie-related profits -- and they're not just for Halloween, either.

Growing a Business

The Family Business Behind Charlie Sheen, Batman and Other Halloween Favorites

From humble roots, Rubie's Costume Co., has grown into a global enterprise while staying family-owned -- thanks to ghosts, goblins and Lady Gaga.

Resumes & Interviewing

Lessons Learned from Scary Business Mistakes

Young entrepreneurs often share common stumbles. Here are three tips to avoid making the same startup mistakes.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Is an Office Vampire Draining Your Productivity?

Workplace vampires can quickly diminish the energy and time you could be using to run your business. Here, three ways to ward them off and get your company back on track.

Business Process

Five Tips for Turning Picky Holiday Shoppers Into Buyers

As fewer shoppers may visit stores this holiday season, you'll have to get more of them to buy to see sales grow. Here are some tips.


Does Your Business Hand Out the Good Candy?

Three Halloween-inspired marketing tips to sweeten holiday sales


12 Months of Holiday Promotions

Year-round, holidays are great hooks for all types of marketing promotions, provided you think outside the box.

Business News

Scare Tactics

Creative ways to profit from Halloween

Business News

Ed Edmunds

46, president of Distortions Unlimited Corp. in Greeley, Colorado