Healthy Habits: Page 2


Boost Your Cognitive Performance By Minimizing Oxidative Stress

Do you have a hard time concentrating? Do brain-intensive tasks take longer to complete? Do you feel irritated and agitated quickly? Follow these actionable nutrition tips to increase your cognitive performance.

Health & Wellness

5 Signs You Suffer from Imposter Syndrome (and How to Overcome It)

Everybody feels inadequate on occasion. Understanding imposter syndrome and how to overcome it may be the key to your success.


Want to Level Up Your Success? Follow these 4 rules

The amount of money you make doesn't determine your level of success as an entrepreneur. Your authority does. Start implementing these four strategies to see how your business and mindset improve.


How to Enjoy Your Life to the Fullest With 5 Easy Steps

It's easier than you might think.

Business News

Free On-Demand Webinar: Think Faster and Learn More, with World-Renowned Brain Coach Jim Kwik

Do you, almost from muscle memory, reach for your phone as soon as you wake up? Well you're not alone.

Thought Leaders

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Focus on During the Holidays

Entrepreneurs should use the holidays to reset, reflect and create community within their company. Here are five ways to seize the opportunities of the season.

Thought Leaders

Free Webinar | June 15: Think Faster and Learn More, with World-Renowned Brain Coach Jim Kwik

Do you, almost from muscle memory, reach for your phone as soon as you wake up? Well you're not alone.

Starting a Business

Ditch These Five Habits If You Want Entrepreneurial Success

Is what you are doing truly growing your business? Let's take a closer look.


How Ontology Founder Jun Li Improves His Team Every Day

This blockchain executive reads three books a day and still has time to build up his team.


Don't Forget the Mustard: Small, Eco-Friendly, Health-Conscious Companies are Conquering Condiments

It's not just meat that's going veggie. Spreads, dressings, and toppings are getting a plant-based, health- and environment-conscious makeover.


Better Fettuccine: How Companies Are Reinventing Pasta For The Low-Carb Era

These companies want you to have your pasta and eat it too with low-carb, high-protein alternatives.


The Seed of an Idea: How Buckwheat, Hemp, Chia and Flax Are Taking Over

Seedlings and mighty superfoods like buckwheat, hemp, chia and flax have gone mainstream.


A Former Editor of 'Cosmopolitan' On Her Secret to (Almost) Infinite Energy

You'll be trading sugar highs for a sweeter treat: Boosted stamina from the office to the bedroom.


#8 Best Food To Eat In Breakfast For Healthy Mindset & Longer Life

To start your day with a clear head and for longer life, we bring a guideline of 10 foods to make your breakfast much healthier, tasty, high on fibre and nutritional value


#5 Quick Healthy Eating Tips For Workaholics

To run a business you do need a healthy combination of mind, body, and soul!