inflation: Page 3

News and Trends

Inflation Has Been Kept At 6% Or Below Despite Adverse Circumstances, Says Nirmala Sitharaman

The finance minister also added that price rise is a matter on which the Centre is very sensitive and responsive

Business Ideas

Small Businesses Are Facing Higher Costs and Interest Rates. Here Are 6 Steps to Stave Off a Crisis.

For many proprietors, variable-rate small-business loans are a common part of business. Yet, their borrowing costs are set to skyrocket to double digits this year due to Fed rate hikes. Small and medium-sized business owners can't fight the Fed, but there are a few other things they can do to save — and even grow — their businesses.

Business News

The $1 Pizza Slice Becomes The Latest Victim of Inflation: 'World Done'

2 Bros. Pizza, a chain famous in New York for its greasy, one-buck slices, announced that it will now be selling pizza slices for $1.50.

Business News

Pet Owners Slammed By Inflation Even As Fed Tries To Fight It

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates on Wednesday in an effort to fight inflation.

Money & Finance

4 Ways to Deal With High Interest Rates in Every Part of Your Business

With higher borrowing costs across the economy, it's time for businesses to get creative with spending and investing.

Business News

Disney CEO Admits Theme Park Price Hikes Have Been 'Too Aggressive,' Recommits to 'Accessibility' for All

A typical family vacation to Walt Disney World for a family of four in 2023 will cost upwards of $5,000.

Personal Finance

4 Ways to Set Up Your Personal Finances Right and Tackle Your Financial Goals This Year

Business finances are important, but at the end of the day, you also need to focus on your personal finances as well. Here are a few tips to do it the right way.

Buying / Investing in Business

Why the American Dream is Dead

Rising costs. Increased credit card debt. Wealth disparity is at an all-time high, and the division continues growing. The American dream is dead.

Business News

Beyond Meat Faces Massive Revenue Loss Amid Inflation and Decreased Demand

Still, CEO and founder Ethan Brown voiced optimism about the future in an earnings call on Thursday.

Business News

Federal Economists Warn a Recession Is 'Plausible' in 2023

During the Fed's February meeting, economists cautioned that stocks and real estate prices could fall this year and inflation could persist into 2024.

Business News

Walmart Says It Has a Rough Road Ahead — Here's Why

America's biggest retailer faces an uncertain future amid still-high inflation.

Business News

Get Familiar With This Latest Economic Buzzword — Because It's Hurting Your Wallet

Federal Reserve officials and economists have honed in on another inflation indicator.

Business News

Our 'Rolling Recession' Is the Latest Economic Meme — But What Does It Actually Mean?

We may not be in for a "hard" or "soft" landing.