Influencers: Page 10

News and Trends

The Evolving Role Of RJs As Social Media Influencers

RJs as radio's voice have entered the social media realm and are leading the charge in responding to the changing dynamics of their audience preferences

Business News

College student confesses on TikTok that she did not leave a tip and her video goes viral

Considering not having received any service, the young woman refused to give a tip and later confessed it on her TikTok account.


Estudiante universitaria confiesa en TikTok que no dejó propina y su video se hace viral

Por considerar no haber recibido servicio alguno, la joven se negó a dar una propina y después lo confesó en su cuenta de TikTok.

Social Media

What Do a Trucker, Nurse, Farmer, Knitter and Trash Man Have In Common? They're All Influencers.

These days, there are influencers for all kinds of niche communities.

Business News

A Russian influencer is deported from Bali for taking nude photos in front of a 700-year-old sacred tree

She was accompanied by her husband, who took her photo; before leaving the place they had to participate in a ceremony to make amends for their mistake.


Una influencer rusa es deportada de Bali por tomarse fotos desnuda frente a un árbol sagrado de 700 años

Ella iba a acompañada de su marido, quien le tomó la foto; antes de abandonar el lugar tuvieron que participar en una ceremonia para enmendar su error.


TikTok lanza Pulse, el programa para compartir por primera vez el ingreso publicitario con los creadores de contenido

La herramienta les garantizará a las marcas que sus anuncios aparezcan en el contenido más relevante en doce distintas categorías.

Business News

TikTok launches Pulse, the program to share advertising revenue with content creators for the first time

The tool will guarantee brands that their ads appear in the most relevant content in twelve different categories.


Esta tiktoker le pregunta a la gente en la calle cuánto gana y se está transformando en una sensación

Las preguntas forman parte de un proyecto que busca crear consciencia en torno a la brecha salarial.

Business News

This tiktoker asks people on the street how much they earn and is becoming a sensation

The questions are part of a project that seeks to raise awareness around the pay gap.


La plataforma latina para influencers presenta a sus nuevas inversionistas: Thalia y Sofia Vergara

Además de las dos artistas figuran entre las celebridades que apoyan económicamente a la empresa: Juanpa Zurita, Evaluna Montaner, Tommy Mottola y Luis Balaguer.

Business News

The Latin platform for influencers presents its new investors: Thalia and Sofia Vergara

In addition to the two artists, among the celebrities who financially support the company are: Juanpa Zurita, Evaluna Montaner, Tommy Mottola and Luis Balaguer.


Ideas rentables de negocios en internet

Si quieres ser un emprendedor, pero no tienes una idea concreta del negocio que te gustaría comenzar, aquí te mostramos algunas ideas rentables de negocios que puedes emprender en el mundo virtual.

Business Ideas

Four profitable internet business ideas

If you want to be an entrepreneur, but you don't have a concrete idea of the business you would like to start, here are some profitable business ideas in the digital world.


How to Adapt your Marketing to the Post-Covid Era

Covid changed the way many businesses reach customers. These tips will help your business succeed in a post covid era.