IRS: Page 5

Growing a Business

What to Expect When You're Expecting...Tax Refunds and Obamacare

If you're one of the millions getting tax credits to help pay health-insurance premiums under Obamacare, you might want to do some tax planning now or you might be in for an unwelcome surprise.

Money & Finance

So You're Being Audited. Now What?

Seven steps to get you through the ordeal.

Business Plans

The Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Starting a Business

Sure, you're idea is unique but how businesses survive, or don't, is the same for everybody.

Business News

5 Tax Planning Tips for Your Small Business

We're more than half way through 2014: Where does your business stand in terms of taxes?

Operations & Logistics

The IRS Has Put a Stop to this Obamacare Workaround

Those planning to send staffers to individual health exchanges with pre-tax funds might face some unpleasant surprises come tax-time.

Money & Finance

Huh? IRS Awarded $1 Million in Bonuses to Employees Who Owed Back Taxes

While many of us scramble to file on time and avoid penalties, an internal investigation has revealed that IRS workers who owed back taxes were actually given bonuses.

Starting a Business

5 Tax Mistakes that Startups Make

Get through tax time without a migraine or massive fines by avoiding these rookie tax blunders.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

IRS Will Tax Bitcoin, Says It's Not Currency

In a historic ruling, the IRS said Bitcoin is property, not currency, and will be taxed as such. Here's what you need to know.

Money & Finance

Be Honest: Maybe You Shouldn't Do Your Own Taxes

Our experts give you five reasons to reconsider taking the DIY route.

Money & Finance

The 3 Most Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make on Their Taxes

CPAs reveal the big IRS no-no's committed by 'treps


The S Corp Deadline Is Approaching: What to Know

The March 17 deadline to take the S Corp election is nearly here. We explain who is eligible and how it might benefit you.

Business News

Will Your Business Fall Victim to the Dreaded Tax Audit?

Even if you have all of your ducks in a row, the IRS could hand select your return to be audited. Here are some reasons why.

Business News

The Ethics Coach on Cash Deals, Transparency and More

Our ethics coach takes your questions about under-the-table payments, planned obsolescence and price transparency.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

5 Mistakes I've Made So You Don't Have To

A wise person learns from someone else's experiences, so there's no excuse to repeat these business blunders.

Business News

IRS to Take a Closer Look at Small Business Filings

Here are three important tips for how entrepreneurs can avoid getting into trouble with the IRS.