Languages: Page 8

Side Hustle

Teach English as a Foreign Language as a Side Hustle

Learn how to earn extra money by becoming an English teacher.


Dubai-Based WideBot's Chatbot Technology Picks Up On Arabic Dialects To Gain Larger Customer Inclusivity

WideBot has come up with a chatbot that incorporates the different dialects used in formal and informal Arabic, and it also claims to pick up on intangible linguistic factors such as sentiment and tone.

Growing a Business

Babbel Makes Learning a New Language Easier

Get this top-rated language learning app for the best price on the web.


Can't Stop Working? Turn That Energy Into Long-Term Productivity.

Stay productive in your downtime by learning a language and reading more books.

Growing a Business

Expand Your Entrepreneurial Horizons by Learning a New Language

The world's top-grossing language learning app is 40 percent off now.

Thought Leaders

This Online English Course Can be Great for International Entrepreneurs

Break into the American market by learning English first.

Thought Leaders

Learning a Language Can Make You a Better Entrepreneur

With Lingoda, just choose your course, choose your level, and book your class based on topics relevant to you and a time that works.

Side Hustle

Launch a Side Hustle Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Now is a great time to get started.


Make This Summer a Year of Travel Catch-Up With Rosetta Stone and Cheap Flights

Get lifetime access to Rosetta Stone and Matt's Flights for an unbeatable price.

Business News

Learn a New Language with the Babbel Language Learning App

Grab Babbel at a limited-time discount.

Science & Technology

Learn Spanish on Your Own Time with This Innovative New App

With more than 40 million Spanish speakers in the U.S., your business can't afford to ignore this language.

Science & Technology

Get 64 Percent Off Language Learning iOS and Android App, Babbel

This might be the best deal you'll ever see on Babbel.

Thought Leaders

Babbel Makes It Easy for Entrepreneurs to Learn a New Language

Get up to 50 percent off select subscriptions today.

Business News

Expand Your Knowledge and Learn a New Language With Rosetta Stone

Get one year of access for 44 percent off now.

Science & Technology

Learning a New Language Can Open New Doors as an Entrepreneur

In an international business world, bilingualism is a huge asset.