Life Lessons: Page 8


In Prison I Found Freedom Through My Personal Discipline

Even when we have no control over external circumstances we retain control of actions and reactions.

Growing a Business

Success Is Easy -- Just Give Up

You only find the most elusive things in life when you've given up searching for them.

Thought Leaders

The 3 Attributes That Entrepreneurs Need for Success

Entrepreneurs need to learn valuable life lessons about failure, mistakes and growth.

Thought Leaders

4 Life Lessons From Odd Jobs You Thought Had Nothing to Teach

Every job is a paycheck and a chance to learn something that will help you later.


Books That Inspired These Four Entrepreneurs

They say too much of anything is bad, but too many books, well, too many books are barely enough.

Growing a Business

What I Learned About Life Running a Half-Marathon

The joy of reaching a goal is not in its completion, but in the journey it took to get there.

Growth Strategies

What Explara CEO's Entrepreneurial Journey Taught Him About The Industry

Most startups have it wrong; it's not just about the money. Smart angels add more value than you could possibly dream of

Growth Strategies

3 Important Life Lessons From India-Bangladesh ICC World T20

No matter what field you are in, no matter how weak the opposition is, never underestimate them.

Thought Leaders

10 Harsh Realities No Entrepreneur Can Deny

The marketplace is unforgiving and will kill the unprepared business person.