Linkedin: Page 10

Redes sociales

6 formas de maximizar el impacto de su perfil de LinkedIn

LinkedIn es la plataforma de redes sociales más grande para interacciones comerciales. A continuación, le indicamos cómo aprovechar al máximo su presencia.


6 Ways to Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile's Impact

LinkedIn is the largest social-media platform for business interactions. Here's how to make the most out of your presence.

Redes sociales

Cómo tomar una foto corporativa que lo pondrá a millas por delante de sus competidores

Un buen retrato corporativo dará una primera impresión positiva y ayudará a generar nuevos negocios.


How to Take a Corporate Headshot That Will Put You Miles Ahead of Your Competitors

A good corporate headshot will make a positive first impression and help generate new business.

Social Media

How to Successfully Message People on LinkedIn

Uncover best practices for connecting with clients, colleagues, job seekers, and virtually anyone on the social network for professionals.

Redes sociales

¿Qué plataforma de redes sociales funciona mejor para su carrera?

Todo el mundo sabe que necesita tener presencia en las redes sociales si quiere un trabajo o hacer crecer un negocio, pero elegir la plataforma adecuada y maximizar su potencial se reduce a unos pocos factores.

Social Media

What Social Media Platform Works Best for Your Career?

Everyone knows that you need to have a social media presence if you want a job or grow a business, but choosing the right platform and maximizing its potential comes down to a few factors.

Business News

Overworked HSBC Manager Shares Near-Death Experience in Viral Post: 'This Is Not How I Planned My Sunday'

Jonny Frostick was having a seemingly normal Sunday when things suddenly took a turn.

Business News

LinkedIn Now Lets You Add Pronouns to Your Profile

The company is 'reimagining' profiles to make them more inclusive.

Social Media

What I Learned from Posting to Linkedin Every Day for a Year

Overcoming personal fears and gaining lucrative business opportunities were just two of the many upsides.


Formas no convencionales de obtener talento diverso

Traiga a los mejores talentos y sume al crecimiento general y la diversidad de su organización.

Social Media

Unconventional Ways to Source Diverse Talent

Bring in top talent and add to the overall growth and diversity of your organization.

Business News

Should Fiverr Investors Be Worried About LinkedIn?

News that LinkedIn is creating an online freelancing marketplace sent Fivver shares down this week.

Redes sociales

3 formas sencillas de ser social (sin ser sórdido) en LinkedIn

¿Uno de los mayores errores cuando se trata de LinkedIn? Olvidar que esta plataforma se trata de ser social y conectarse con los demás.


3 Simple Ways to Be Social (Without Being Sleazy) on LinkedIn

One of the biggest mistakes when it comes to LinkedIn? Forgetting that this platform is all about being social and connecting with others.