Making Decisions: Page 6

Thought Leaders

Priceless Words From the Founder of WordPress

Great advice on starting a business, from a guy who's been pretty successful himself.

Growing a Business

Refuse to Be Sucked Into Uncertainty

For any of your decisions to have a chance at being successful, the actions that follow those decisions must be founded on confidence.

Starting a Business

5 Tough Choices You'll Face as an Entrepreneur

As a business owner, you are singularly responsible for making all the decisions.

Making a Change

Choose Your Own Adventure: How to Take Your Business to the Next Step

You may know exactly where you are today, but you don't, can't and shouldn't know where exactly you're headed tomorrow.


Why You Should Limit Your Number of Daily Decisions

Your critical thinking skills are on reserve. Don't dry the tap.

Business News

How to Optimize Your Daily Decisions

Design for default. Our decisions are shaped by the world around us.

Growing a Business

Stuck? 3 Ways to Push Through to Your Next Decision.

As an entrepreneur, there will be times when you have a few options for the next step but don't know which choice you should make.


Consider These 5 Factors Before Making Your Next Big Decision

With the increase in abundance and the rate at which information travels, decision-makers are left facing an onslaught of pressure against unexpected and uncontrollable forces.

Starting a Business

Can You Face the 6 Hard Truths of Entrepreneurship?

You should first examine your ability to handle uncertainty and, yes, failure.

Growing a Business

Your Anxiety Contributes to Your Bad Decisions

A new study shows anxiety-prone individuals struggle with making decisions when exposed to uncertainty.


The Unexpected Benefits of Doing the Unexpected

Surprise the people around you, in business and relationships. You might end up surprised yourself.


Decisions, Decisions: What Separates Leaders From the Rest

The real leaders are those who take action.

Growing a Business

The Help You Need Is There for the Asking

Reaching out for help when you need it is crucial when you've taken on the grueling and often lonely work of building a business.


Know When to Trust Your Gut

To be successful, you've got to learn when to trust your own ideas and when to let go to gain a broader perspective.

Growing a Business

How to Be Smarter

Life and business are both based around making smart decisions. That's not as hard as it sounds.