Mentorship: Page 9

Growth Strategies

VentureSouq's Sonia Weymuller On Mentorship And A Soft Skill You Should Remember

As a third-time mentor of the e7 Daughters of the of the Emirates project, Weymuller continues to share her enthusiasm as a proactive and engaged mentor.

Growth Strategies

#5 Deadly Sins of a Start-up Mentor

Check these five signs for deadly advice, steer away from it and select the right mentor who can provide the growth you desire

Growing a Business

Choose Your Mentors Wisely: 3 Traits to Look for in a Great Mentor

Having a good mentor can be helpful. Having a great mentor can change your life.

Starting a Business

This Entrepreneur Got a Lot of Insulting Advice When Starting Her Business. Here's How She Bounced Back.

While searching for guidance through peers and networking events, Janice Omadeke was faced with "advice" that was rude and offensive.

Thought Leaders

An Experimental, Tuition-Free Program Is Teaching Business Lessons Using Hip Hop

Budding entrepreneurs are using lessons from music-industry moguls to learn how to run their own businesses.

Thought Leaders

The 5 Best Pieces of Advice I Can Give Women Entrepreneurs

Be the powerful force that shapes the work environment you dream of working in.


How the Right Mentor can Help An Entrepreneur Scale Great Heights

A business that generates positive cash-flow, with no debtors, is capable of achieving good organic growth


This Celebrity Stylist Uses Instagram to Show Fans How Red Carpet Moments Are Made

As the stylist for stars such as Meryl Streep and Lupita Nyong'o, Micaela Erlanger's social media pages take you behind the scenes.


The Art of Mentorship: 3 Steps for Building Business Leaders

Establishing a mentorship program can help businesses grow, employees succeed and executives lead more effectively


6 Things Great Mentors Do Differently

Good mentors are like Yoda -- and other lessons from the mentorship sphere.

Thought Leaders

Looking for a Mentor? The 7 Best Places to Start.

Ever thought to look for a mentor at your fitness club? You'd be surprised at where the right person may be hanging out.


What's Better: a Mentor or an Advisory Board (or Both)?

There's a lot you don't know as a new entrepreneur, so why not let someone who's been there lend you a hand?

Growth Strategies

Mentoring is Corner Stone of Corporate Governance for Early-Stage Companies

One possible route for start-up entrepreneur to meet governance requirements is to have a "mentor" who can act as their friend, philosopher and guide.

Growth Strategies

Entrepreneurship is the Only Way to Find Solutions to Problems Existing in India

Unless you live, breath with your customers, you cannot build companies, Says Dr. Deshpande


#5 Ways to Encourage more Women Employees at your Workplace

One of the most important ways of encouraging more women employees at the workplace is to build a strong mentorship program.