Metaverse: Page 3

News and Trends

Why Advertisers and Marketers Should Tap into Web3 and Metaverse?

While Metaverse and Web3 will take a few years to take their full form, advertisers and marketers need to be prepared and get going on it.

News and Trends

Metaverse Platform AvatarLife Raises $1.5 Million Seed Funding

The company plans to channel the capital into backing product research and development, community building and global team expansion

News and Trends

UTT Partners With Aatral For a Fan-focused Metaverse Experience

Three to four table tennis-themed mini-games will be made available to the fans by the end of June

Business News

Meta Turns to 10-Year-Olds to Achieve Mark Zuckerberg's Vision — a 'Beyond the Pale' Move That's Raising Red Flags

The move follows the company's decision earlier this year to allow people under 18 to join Horizon Worlds.

Business News

Meta Unveils Twitter Competitor to Offer People a 'Sanely Run' Platform

The company is in talks with Oprah Winfrey and the Dalai Lama regarding commitments to the app.

News and Trends

Web3 and Metaverse Have the Potential To Be a $200 Billion Opportunity In India: Arthur D. Little Report

The firm also reported that Metaverse will become a USD 13 trillion opportunity worldwide by 2030 and has further forecasted that 8 per cent of USD 160 trillion global GDP by 2030 will come courtesy of Web3 and Metaverse.

Science & Technology

How This Company is Trying to Help Mainstream Users Navigate the Web3 Economy

The co-founder and CEO of AAG Ventures shares how his Web3 company is simplifying interactions with blockchain applications, and the metaverse, for mainstream users.

News and Trends

Aditya Birla Capital Launches One Verse, a Virtual Metaverse Lounge for Its Customers

With One Verse, Aditya Birla Capital becomes the leading non-banking player in India to enter Metaverse.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Why the Industrial Approach to the Metaverse Is Resonating

How some are finding success in the age of the Metaverse with useful, working applications like real-world augmentation.

News and Trends

Nutralite and Chef Sanjeev Kapoor Host the World's First-ever Cookery Show On the Metaverse

The event saw a digital avatar of Kapoor preparing dishes using three of the brand's products. He was later joined by the digital avatars of over a thousand customers in the process.

News and Trends

Warner Music Collaborates With Metaverse Project Pushing New Era Of Digital Content Through Web3

The trend of diverse industries embracing Web3, the blockchain-led Internet, enters the acceleratory phase.

Business News

RIP Metaverse

The Metaverse, Zuckerberg's tech obsession, is officially dead. ChatGPT killed it.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

The Metaverse Has Definitely Lost Steam — But Is It Dead?

An investment in the Metaverse is only as valuable as the demand for the technologies involved.

News and Trends

Metaverse 'Driving' The Auto Sector

Metaverse and gaming have been the dynamic duo as people continue to demand immersive games. However, metaverse has expanded its use-cases to different sectors. Metaverse has entered healthcare, automobile, real-estate, etc. Automobile is the market that has adopted metaverse the fastest with leading brands having their own metaverse.

News and Trends

How Enterprises Can Take a "Meaty" Slice Of Metaverse

There are 400 million monthly average users of Metaverse right now, mostly Gen-z and Alphas. Currently, that's just five per cent of the world population. And the number is expected to reach 25 per cent by 2026, according to Gartner.